October 17, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Debate in Mary-Victorine: Sovereign Quebec welcomes more immigrants, says Pierre Nantel

Debate in Mary-Victorine: Sovereign Quebec welcomes more immigrants, says Pierre Nantel

In the short term, the party wants to reduce the Quebecois immigration threshold to 40,000.

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Also read: Pierre Nantel officially launched his campaign under the banner of the party Québécois

“Independence is not a dream, it is a desire, it is a necessity, it needs to be at the cultural level and have full control over immigration to welcome better and more, because we want people to come and build. This is a great project in Quebec! He began Wednesday with a partial candidate debate on FM 103.3 waves.

Asked to clarify his idea, the aspiring MP pointed out that there are currently no ways to welcome more newcomers in Quebec, especially due to our limited ability to franchise them.

“Right now we have very little control over immigration and we are immersed in Canadian multiculturalism,” he stressed. According to Pierre Nantel, the annual threshold should be reduced to “about 40,000”.

But, after independence and gaining full control over its immigration, Quebec must “open the floodgates” to newcomers. “In independent Quebec, we want to welcome more immigrants and welcome them better in French,” he said.

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PCQ promotes “civilized compatibility”

According to conservative candidate Anne Casabone, there is a need to better select newcomers, especially by prioritizing “civilization compatibility”.

An expression that surprised her liberal opponent. Branding this concept can lead to division, says Judge Emily Nollet. “This is a slippery slope, the PLQ candidate argued in the oratory competition. I think it’s dangerous to talk about it. ”

The actress and conservative candidate said angrily: “You should not be so upset, because it’s just in line with our charters, believing in equality between men and women, accepting homosexuals means accepting the LGBT + community.”

According to the Conservative Party of Quebec, on Wednesday, it was not possible to know which “civilizations” were in favor of the Quebec and Canadian Charters of Rights and Liberation. Our questions remain unanswered.

The by-election in Mary-Victoria will take place on April 11. The bipartisanship was triggered by the resignation of Catherine Fornier, an independent deputy who was elected mayor of Langue.

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