February 6, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Disappearance of Eduardo Malpica: Police create a record

Disappearance of Eduardo Malpica: Police create a record

Relatives of Eduardo Malpica, who has been missing for more than two weeks, have questioned police work as we enter the third week of the investigation. The police wanted to create a record.

• Also Read: Trois-Rivieres: The search for Eduardo Malpica widens

• Also Read: Disappearance of Eduardo Malpica: Police work questioned

• Also Read: Research up to Montreal for Eduardo Malpica

The captain in charge of the investigations department, Carl-Olivier Dubey, reiterated that the investigation is still active and classified as a priority.

“For us, it is important to find Mr. Malpika regardless of the circumstances of his disappearance. We would like to explain this case. That is no reason why police officers are not working behind the scenes,” said Captain Dubey.

All hypotheses to explain the disappearance are still on the table. Contrary to what relatives indicated in open letters, Trois-Rivières police officers viewed several surveillance cameras downtown. They also met dozens of witnesses and continued to speak.

“A person’s nationality or state does not determine whether an investigation will be taken seriously. If I can assure people, it is a priority file,” he continued.

Some of the friends of the disappeared criticized the police’s lack of transparency. The captain in charge of investigations continues to say that he is in close contact with the immediate family and will keep them informed of any developments.

People also thought they saw Eduardo Malpica in Montreal the past few days. The information was found to be unfounded. Trois-Rivières police support confirmed all information coming from the public. We want people to open their eyes too.

“From day 1, the Sûreté du Québec was on file with us. It is a collaborative, support-advisory work. The entire police community is called upon to come to our aid whenever needed,” concluded Mr. Dubey.