September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Don’t do these 6 things to McDonald’s employees

Don't do these 6 things to McDonald's employees

Former McDonald’s employees say what some customers do is extremely irritating.

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1. Don’t throw away your pickles!

These former employees, contacted by Reader’s Digest, vouched that pickles sometimes experience unfortunate treatment.

“Some customers throw pickles against the wall or on the table if they don’t want them, and then we have to clean up the mess,” said a former employee who preferred to remain anonymous.

“Put them with your garbage or order them without the pickles,” he advises.

2. Don’t stack trays for us

If you’re one of those people who cleans the table by putting all the trash on the tray to “help” the employees, you need to stop doing that.

“It’s a good thing that customers want to help keep the dining room clean, but by piling up trays with leftover food and trash, it makes it harder for employees to clean up,” lamented Nora Clark in Reader’s Digest.

This includes storing trays near the trash can.

“It’s best to leave the trays and let the staff do the cleaning, as they have a system to effectively remove waste and disinfect the trays,” adds Nora.

Even Ray Morone, who worked at McDonald’s for two years, agrees.

“Customers carefully toss their waste in a bin, but recyclables are often mixed with food scraps. I had to sift through half-eaten Big Macs and hot milkshakes to find recyclables,” he said.

3. Disappear after ordering

Running to the bathroom after ordering or leaving to see the kids in the play area can cause problems for employees.

Calling an absentee order number is especially irritating for them.

4. Make a joke

Emily, who worked at McDonald’s for a year in her late teens, says she’s lost count of the number of times she’s run into someone who thinks it’s “funny” by joking with “Mc” somewhere.

“I’d have a Big Mac with McFries and McNuggets with Sweet and Sour Mexas and a big McCoke thanks…” she recalls with frustration.

5. Change your mind at the drive-thru

Another source of irritation is customers who change their minds at the last second at the drive-thru.

Employees understand that kids are indecisive, but what they can’t stand is adults in the car asking too many questions about which burger to get, or whether the meal can be served with other items, or why a certain burger isn’t available. , or why the ice machine broke again…

6. Figuring something mysteriously wrong with your order…after eating it

Emily explains that another bad practice is using McDonald’s policy that employees must prepare a new order if something goes wrong with an order received.

“Almost every shift, a young man would come in and tell me he found a hair in his hamburger… even though he had already eaten most of it. They know what they are doing. And so are we!”, she recalls

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