February 9, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Crisis in Culture Shawinigan: Ex-Employees Break Silence

Crisis in Culture Shawinigan: Ex-Employees Break Silence

Self-production, dubious ticket promotions, questionable transparency… The management of culture chauvinigan head Brian Perro has said yes in the past hours, but what we understand from the evidence gathered is that he is disturbing from him. Took office 8 years ago.

An employee, whose identity is being protected, worked for 12 years in the company’s administration under two different general managements. She saw that her voice had changed drastically and no longer needed to contradict decisions: now Bryan Perro.

“He wanted to control everything and people who resisted a little too much, or people who didn’t necessarily agree with what he was doing, well they were pushed down. We all fell one by one,” she admitted.

Mr. Perro cleaned out the old guard. Those in office at the time have few memories of his management and feel the same discomfort eight years ago.

“With Brian, sometimes I know where I am [il ne détournait pas nécessairement], but allocate the amounts to other things, or block access to the amounts, but not apply to what it was originally dedicated to. It goes against my values,” the employee said.

The place’s former general manager was reluctant to play a mother-in-law role in the matter, but admitted to asking himself a lot of questions about the new management system.

“Wrong decisions will increase the deficit. This is aggravated by the extraordinary circumstances, of course, the lack of income or the ambitions we need,” declared Louise Martin.

An analysis promised by an external firm could determine where this huge hole in the budget came from.

“It is not customary among our member broadcasters, at least for projects of this type of organization, to accumulate such significant deficits. Now, that also raises the whole question of transparency,” said Julie-Anne Richard, Director General of the RIDEAU Association.

“CA knew about it, but didn’t know about it then? But you know, she’s the kind of person who can give you answers so that you stick to her ideas and her vision,” the former employee added.

“I left it in good financial condition. Our goal as a non-profit organization and presenter of performing arts is not to make a profit, but to achieve a balanced budget. I hope that everyone will take responsibility in this situation and that Culture Shawinigan will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2024,” clarified the former general director and It is argued that the current deficit is not just the tip of the iceberg.

The Ministry of Culture, on its part, confirmed that it had already noticed gaps in reporting through an audit in 2021. It is possible to prove that the expenses incurred by the organization are ultimately not eligible for rebates.