“A big part of my recovery is, in the end, I feel like I’m accepting that it’s a part of me, and it’s changed me.”
With so many new movies coming out, Dylan O’Brien has finally hit the big screen and I can not be happier for him.
Han Myung-gu / wire image
TBH, he is always goofy to me and adorable Styles Stilinsky.
And for the most part his new films are the first time he has been involved in action movies and stunts Maze Runner.
Presley On / Getty Images
Back in 2016, during filming Maze Runner: The Death Cure, Dylan Is During the stunt, the car was hit and several people were injured.
20th Century Fox / Everett Collection
Since then, Dylan has talked very little about his accident, his recovery and how it changed his perspective as an actor.
20th Century Fox / Everett Collection
When online Podcast “Big ticket with Mark Malkin,” Dylan said honestly about how his accident changed everything for him.
David Livingston / Getty Images
“It was the hardest for me,” he said. “I ‘ve kept it private for a long time. I’m talked about it before, but it’s a very difficult journey for me.”
Paramount Pictures / Everett Collection
Looking back on it, he thinks it’s a factor to be young and not take the time to think about stunts or ask if it’s completely safe.
Now, he is well aware of the safety of the set and making sure it does not crack.
“Everyone Is Expert in the work they do on the set. So, especially when you were younger, like me, I think I was 24 years old when my accident happened, I was just playing. I’m playing, “he said.
“I loved what I did, I loved being on set, it’s my favorite place in the world. I loved my staff. My staff was my families, my life, my worlds. Part of.
20th Century Fox / Everett Collection
Dylan explained that he was completely “reverted” to how he felt about being on set and that there was a moment when he thought he could never step on set.
Christopher Polk / Getty Images
Now, Dylan is “hypervigilant” during filming. He said, “Whenever I put it on the rig, I look at every part of that rig. Really, like, dial in and stay in touch with the stunt team you work for. Put your trust in the hands of others.”
20th Century Fox / Everett Collection
In addition to his physical recovery, Dylan feels that his risk has completely changed his outlook on life, especially as he feels so important.
During his recovery, Dylan said he had “neglected” some of his close ones and that it was important to “nurture those relationships” and not lose them.
Araya Doheni / Getty Images
Dylan said he would always deal with his accident and “really worked hard” to process what he went through and that it was always a part of him.
Priscilla Grant / Everett Collection
He said, “You can come out of it from the other side and focus on the things that have changed about you, in a positive way, or you can really live on how it has changed you in negative ways. And I think a big part of my recovery is, in the end, it’s in me. Agreeing to be a part of it and it changed me. “
“I’m thankful for this in ways. It’s definitely changed me in so many ways and made me who I am today.”
You can listen to the full episode of Dylan’s The Big Ticket with Mark Malkin. Here.
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