January 11, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Elections officially begin in 1100 municipalities in Quebec Municipal elections in Quebec 2021

Elections officially begin in 1100 municipalities in Quebec Municipal elections in Quebec 2021

Elections have officially begun in 1,100 municipalities in Quebec. The campaign lasts 52 days or just over seven weeks. It ends on Sunday, November 7, the day Cubes are called to vote. Elections are open from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

This year, the municipal elections will override not only the federal elections that end on Monday, but also the English language school boards that will take place on Sunday, September 26th.

Advance voting is possible on Sunday, October 31 from 9:30 am to 8 pm. However, other days can be added as desired by the municipalities.

Vote by mail

Due to the Kovid-19 epidemic, people aged 70 and over will be able to vote by mail in the 444 municipalities that have approved a motion to this extent. This is especially the case with Quebec, Laval, Gatinue, Longueil, Sherbrook And Lewis, but not from Montreal.

Those interested in replacing one of the 8000 elected positions must come forward by 4.30pm on Friday 1st October.

Starting with the remake between Valerie Plante and Denise Codre for the mayor of Montreal, there have been a lot of interesting fights on the horizon this year. The two candidates also called the press on Friday to start their campaign.

A signal from Montreal mayoral candidate Valerie Plante

Montreal Valerie Plante mayoral candidate’s election signs appeared on pillars in the metropolis on Thursday evening.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Jérôme Labbé

Two election symbols on the pillar.  At the top, the symbol of the black candidate for the federal election.  Below, mark an ensemble Montreal.

Election signs from the Denise Coder Party, Ensemble Montreal appeared Thursday evening.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Jérôme Labbé

The races can be seen in many other cities in Quebec, with the current mayors announcing in recent months not to stand again. Four of the five largest cities in the province: Quebec, Laval, Gatinou And longuil.

Less than one in two cubes will participate

Polling will take place under the responsibility of Election Quebec. Certified applications will be published on its website (New window).

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing said on Thursday that it would also be possible to track the progress of women’s applications (depending on location and region) from September 20.

In 2017, the turnout was 44.8%, compared to 47.2% in 2013.

Yet this level of government function is necessary for society to function properly. Municipalities, Elections Quebec reminds us on its website, manage more than $ 15 billion a year. Nearly 60% of public infrastructure is also in their charge.