March 16, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Emergency room overflows: Minister Dubey says, “This is a very difficult summer”

Emergency room overflows: Minister Dubey says, "This is a very difficult summer"

Chief doctors in hospital emergencies rang the alarm bell on MondayIn a letter received by Radio-Canada, several reactions were generated.

Nearly sixty physicians from the Regroupement des chefs d’urgence du Québec (RCUQ) believe the quality of care is compromised. Many preventable deaths have been reported […] In recent months, due to the lack of access to the stretcher and the necessary care for the situation.

Hospital beds need to be opened rather than partially closing them during the summer.

According to Dr. Judy Morris, the hospital’s emergency physician and president of Quebec’s Association of Emergency Physicians (AMUQ) It is imperative [d’agir] Everyone on the network feels, because there is an opinion that we are the only ones under pressure.

The government and the ministry should put pressure on health institutions […] Be responsible and accountableDr. Morris said.

According to the AMUQ President, Teams are almost never systematically asked to work at 150 to 200% of their capacityOtherwise, she warns, burnouts and exits will multiply.

For his part, the Minister of Health and Social Services has not publicly expressed the same sentiment as doctors.

First, it’s not surprising, we know that summer is always hard on the health network when it comes to holidays.Christian Dubey commented.

Moreover, it does not intend to interfere with the grant of summer vacation. It should give nurses adequate leave to commit and qualifySays the Minister.

Yes, it can be a very difficult summer, I said, but I think we are keeping things that help us.

A quote from Christian Dubey, Minister of Health and Social Services

According to available data compiled by Radio-Canada, the percentage of patients on stretchers in the emergency room for more than 24 hours rose from almost 17% to almost 22% in 2018 when Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) came to power. Year.

Since the holidays began in the health sector, a week ago, the rate has fluctuated between 24% and 32%.

Dr. Judy Morris in a video interview.

Dr. Judy Morris is President of the Quebec Association of Emergency Physicians.

Photo: Radio-Canada

“Call Chief Coroner”

When questioned at the entrance to the parliamentary committee, Quebec Solidarity spokesman Vincent Marissall was of the opinion that in terms of health. Doctors are talking about preventable deaths so the first thing is to call Chief Coroner.

Among the solutions he proposed, We need to reopen the first line so that minor sores do not end up in the hospitalSaid the deputy. Unfortunately, nothing has been done about it in four years […] And the Minister will always provide solutions within a period of one year.

For her part, Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominic Angled apologized for the shortage of family doctors and its impact on emergency room attendance.

When the CAQ came into power, 400,000 people were waiting for the family doctor, today more than a million are waiting! [Et] Because the first line is not enough, it overflows in our emergenciesShe says.

According to Joel Arseno, leader of the Third Opposition Group and party Cubocois health critic, This is a good example of how we can always, at CAQ, turn our backs on news and issues..

According to the latter, If we look for non-urgent cases at local clinics such as CLSCs, we will not be there.

Vincent Marissol at the press conference.

Quebec Solidarity MNA Vincent Marissol

Photo: Radio-Canada / Sylvain Roy Roussell

The MUHC supports emergency chiefs

When asked to comment, most health facilities were redirected to us MSSS.

Annie-Claire Fournier, Media Relations Consultant at McGill University Health Center (MUHC), clarified by email We read with interest the letter published today, signed by the Heads of Emergencies, addressed to all CEOs in the network. Over the past few weeks Emergency Room traffic has been a real concern and we have noticed that this situation is having an impact on our patients and their families, our staff and our doctors..

We also share the position of Quebec’s Emergency Medical Leaders, that emergency rooms should be distributed throughout the entire health care system to allow emergency rooms to fulfill their primary goal, and to provide emergency care to patients in need of their condition.

A quote from Annie-Claire Fournier, spokeswoman for McGill University Health Center

At CISSS Laval’s spokeswoman mentions e-mail about Mary-Eve Despati-Gagnon’s establishment One of those with less shelter TSO [heures supplémentaires obligatoires, NDLR] Across the health network in Quebec […] Many different projects are being evaluated to further reduce consumption TSOIncluding self-management schedule project.

She also noted that Cité-de-la-Santé Hospital is re-evaluating the appropriateness of placing approximately fifteen stretchers attached to the emergency room 49 during the epidemic to ensure a safe distance.