March 6, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

End of vaccination in schools | QS calls for a “vaccine break” for parents

End of vaccination in schools |  QS calls for a "vaccine break" for parents

(Québec) Quebec Solidair is calling for a four-hour payment “vaccine break” so that parents can take their 5- to 11-year-old children to clinics while vaccinating in schools.

Posted 11:47 am

Funny Levesk

Funny Levesk

“It’s ideal to start vaccinating again in schools, but while waiting for it, parents need to be even more comfortable,” said Alexander Ledak, Quebec Solidair deputy. “There are parents who have children in different schools, daycare, secondary, elementary … In short, it can be a very complex puzzle,” he said.

Quebec announced the end of vaccination in schools on January 5th. Children between the ages of 5 and 11 now have to wrap their sleeves around them when they go to immunization clinics. On Wednesday, at the office of Jean-Franకోois Roberz, it was explained that there were currently no plans to give a second dose of the vaccine in schools. The minister, however, must consider returning to class this Thursday.

Quebec Solidarity wrote to Labor Minister Jean Boulette to inform him of the importance of “giving a vaccination break to workers who should stay away from vaccinating or who need to vaccinate their elderly children 5 to 12”. Age. “According to training, this useless time allowed for parents can boost the immune system in children.

Vaccination in children has slowed. Over the past week, on average, 1,500 children aged 5 to 11 have received their first dose of the vaccine daily. Before the holiday break, that number was over the 10,000 mark. So far, approximately 382,000 5- to 11-year-olds – approximately 650,000 in Quebec – have received their first dose. Of that number, approximately 6,200 received their two doses.

“Quebec has been hit hard by the Fifth Wave, load shedding in many areas has reached critical levels and we fear again that hospital capabilities in many companies will be overwhelmed. The hope of exiting the crisis is particularly high in the population.”

Quebec Solidair last spring demanded a “vaccine break” that would normally be paid to workers during the expansion of the massive vaccine campaign, which continues to ask. With the vaccination of children, the political party believes that its request – which was rejected by Quebec because of the wide availability of appointments – is still relevant.

“Especially since we’re talking about the fourth and fifth dose in the future, it’s a good time to think about this measure,” Mr Ledouk argued.

The Legalt government can now decree this measure by a cabinet decree or by introducing a bill, he argues. “We want the government to take over and make it a clearer standard so that everyone has access to this measure,” he said. […] Whether it is a topic of discussion, whether your boss is open or not is similar to an election, ”he said.

On election day, an employer must ensure that his employees have four consecutive hours to vote.