Netflix Canada’s decision to remove the second episode of the series Daughters of Caleb “Lack of respect for the story, for the writer, for the series”, according to its lead narrator Roy Dupuis.
The historical series, directed by the late Jean Beaudin, has been available on the online platform for two weeks, with its second episode “suspended due to. black face Netflix Canada just argued.
In this episode, Ovila’s character, played by Roy Dupuis, participates in a Christmas show on the Nativity. He wears the clothes of the black magician Balthazar. He painted his face black.
Netflix Canada responded by pulling the episode in its entirety. Without explanations.
This is a slight exaggeration. The series will take place at Saint-Tite at 7 p.me century, there were no black people at that time, so to tell the story of Maggie, that’s what we did. Erasing history is a mistake. I understand that this may offend people, but there are limits.
Roy Dupuis
Even withdrawing the episode leaves a “story hole,” the comedian lamented. “ Daughters of Caleb A novel, a story, so surely there is a hole there. They chose the easy solution. »
Here’s Tou.tv extra, it also broadcasts Daughters of Caleb Since the end of September, this famous second episode has been placed, but accompanied by the following message: “The program is presented as it was originally created and may contain different social and cultural representations of today. »
If the series were filmed again today, Roy Dupuis would play the same role in 1990 alongside Marina Orsini (Emily Bordeleau).
“It’s not today, it’s happening at 7 p.me Century! exclaimed the actor. If we were to perform a Nativity today, we would call a black actor to do it, but at that time there were no blacks in Saint-Tite, so respecting the biblical story, we represented all the characters. , including a black genius. »