March 13, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

French, when the example comes from above

French, when the example comes from above

Complaints to the Official Languages ​​Commissioner have been pouring in for the past year.

5409 record.

Record of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. Whatever we think of this government that claims to be an ally of the Francophones, its track record is far from pink.

Myths and symbols

The historic and controversial monolingual appointment of the Governor-General of the Aboriginal and the speech of the Air Canada boss in English provoked a flood of complaints.

In the case of Michael Rousseau, his pride added insult to injury when he boasted that he had lived in Montreal for 14 years without learning the treacherous word of the French.

When it comes to languages, the hype created by these two contexts shows that symbols are important.

The appointment of the first Tribal Governor General is a strong symbol. But many perceived it correctly as being accepted behind the French.

This presents the destructive myth that diversity in Moliere language does not come together.

English is a very strong myth in Canada, referring to the narrow universe of folklore as French.

“Concepts of linguistic duality and inclusion should never be approached as contradictory,” Commissioner Raymond Theberg said in his annual report submitted this week.

Public service

Unfortunately, this type of appointment has become the norm in Ottawa.

The case of Mary Simon, Michael Rousseau, and the lieutenant-governor of the monolingual Anglophone in New Brunswick is only the tip of the iceberg.

Every day, French-speaking federal public servants are reluctant to use their language at work without harming their careers at all levels.

Meanwhile, sections at the top often work in the same official language.

The federal government sent some senior monolingual officials to the parliamentary press last March to explain to us the details of the $ 9 billion environmental plan.

These examples do not make headlines, but they abound in federal departments.

“Appointing people who do not speak the two official languages ​​of Canada to key leadership positions sends a strong message, no matter how negative,” Commissioner Theberz continued.

To ensure that the example comes from above, Mr. should review the linguistic responsibilities of senior public service and political appointees. Theberz suggested.

The liberal version of the Official Languages ​​Act does not go that far. She is also still waiting.

We do not pretend to be surprised.