January 11, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

From Dune Reader to Denise Villeneuve

From Dune Reader to Denise Villeneuve

I do not know if it’s the reason for being in a full movie theater for the first time in two years. Or I wait a long time until that dream finally comes true before my eyes. But I was moved before the credits started MoundBy Denis Villeneuve, I went to see the Imperial movie.

I read it often Mound By Frank Herbert. As soon as I saw the first sentences, when Paul Atroids faced the test of Gome Jabbar of the Reverend Mother of Bene Gesserit, I was having a hard time continuing and embarking on a new journey into this universe I was introduced to. Science fiction a long time ago. Without Mound, I may never open a science fiction book. And when I talk passionately about Bene Gesserit, Quisatz Haderach and Butler Jihad, with people who don’t give a shit, I understand the followers better Star Trek When they are misunderstood.

I really like Frank Herbert’s Dune Cycle, which includes six novels – Emperor of Dune I’ve seen it a dozen times, even though I know my favorite – David Lynch movie failed.

When I found out that Denise Villeneuve had to settle Mound, I’m not on my own anymore. To hell with the rest Blade Runner ! The filmmaker has now fallen into my unfulfilled fantasy of wanting to see an adaptation that meets my wildest expectations.

Like millions of other readers, Mound One of the most read SF novels in the history of the genre, I was on the verge of hypocrisy among the general public, fearing filmmakers who would dare to touch biblical writings. Impossible-Satisfaction.

My verdict? Denise Villeneuve exceeded my expectations and with this film became my new sci-fi movie Messiah. I invite those who want to read distant and neutral text to go their own way, because I lost my critical mind in the locker room when I left Mound.

The Imperial screen, the room I love, is where I found it Aliens And Terminator 2 By James Cameron with THX technology of the 1980s, Villeneuve’s world view is no big deal. You should see this image on the IMAX screen, you will not see it on the tablet or even in your living room. I have a chance to go there a few times to help make a sequel to this two-part movie happen – if that doesn’t happen it will be a scandal. Because even though I was dazzled two and a half hours before this great expansion by the villeneuve of my own universe, I felt that the filmmaker had set the table respectably by not wasting strength working through the abusive special effects. I left the movie telling myself we hadn’t seen anything yet. Large desert worms are also modestly exposed and retain their secrets. I have to wait to see Paul Muyad Dib Shay-Hulud Ride …

We hope Denis Villeneuve has kept his heart in this film, and I am sometimes very cold at his successes. It reminded me of the love that Peter Jackson entered into his adaptation Lord of the Rings, Tolkien’s romantic trilogy did not interest me, but after the first film I rushed to read. I think the movie audience who hangs out Mound De Villeneuve does the same thing he had never done before reading the novel, while waiting for the second part, it raises their expectations tenfold.

The brevity of the illustration is related to work exploitation, because I do not need to read to understand the book I believe is impossible. All this is in the picture, no explanation Geek Does not transcend the cinematic narrative.

While the book constantly pushes us into the thoughts of the characters, Villeneuve is content to feel how they were caught up in the events, by joining in the raw emotion that readers felt before this tragic story. Because Mound A terrible tragic story, the story of a young man named Paul who has to accept the terrible fate that comes out of his mind while the old masala is working on him. This substance was found not only on the planet Arakis, also known as the Dune, which is the object of all greed, which allows space travel, but also changes those who take it.

In this sense, the film is based on the shoulders of Paul (Timothy Chalmette) and his mother Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson), the perfect duo of Villeneuve vision. I understand that Paul understands what that means and that the immense burden that awaits him can reach a younger generation and that he has a sense of responsibility and obligation, even though he has it in the future. Of the planet. Villeneuve, like Frank Herbert, has a much stronger environmental message than in 1965 Mound Published. In a new edition of the novel by Robert Lafont, the filmmaker signed a preface: “Obviously, we have lost our sacred connection with the world. This is a reason I believe Mound Fully current. If the phrase “XXIE The century may or may not be spiritual “attributed to Andre Malrox, I guess he foresaw the dehydration of the natural world by the hypnotic intensity of the brutal capitalist system.”

There are moments in the life of a movie buff who specializes in imaginary worlds you will never forget. When you see “in scenes” Star Wars, ET, Lord of the Rings Where 2001 A Space Odyssey, For example. Seventh are films that give all meanings to art and take us out of our homes and out of us. Added to it now Mound By Denise Villeneuve, as far as I am concerned.

The fact that it is produced by Quebaker does not make me unhappy and makes my happiness worse. Anyway, I can tell you one day when I am Mound Happened, and I saw it in the movies. More than once.