Gwyneth Paltrow hit again. A follower of alternative medicines and a true lifestyle teacher, the 48-year-old actress recently revealed that she had contracted Kovid-19 at the beginning of the epidemic. The Goop founder had the opportunity to describe the regime she followed to thwart the virus. Often with Chris Martin’s ex, his departure has caused controversy.
“We must take Longcoid seriously”
Chronic fatigue, foggy brain, “Very high rate of inflammation in the body”…. Gwyneth Paltrow says she has symptoms after a long illness. As a solution to this, she went on an intermittent fast for 4 weeks and followed a ketogenic diet without sugar and alcohol. All sessions are based on “Infrared Vapor” and the serums clearly available on its platform Vanity Fair.
Protocol determined by health professionals. “We must take the long Kovid seriously and apply the harsh science to it.”, Stephen Povis, a member of the British NHS (National Health Service), warned. “Like the virus, intoxication transcends boundaries, transforms and thrives. I think YouTube and other social networks have a responsibility here, but there’s a possibility. I see Gwyneth Paltrow unfortunately suffering from Kovid’s influences these days. But the solutions she recommended did not comply with the NHS. “, He told the BBC.
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