December 28, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Have | Thoughts to stay busy and keep smiling

Have |  Thoughts to stay busy and keep smiling

The list of sanctions imposed until February 8 to deal a major blow to the epidemic is growing. What if we try to see that the glass is half full to encourage us to go through?

Cynthia Laflam
Local Journalism Initiative

In addition to outdoor activities, it has been very successful for months and we can still practice alone or while enjoying our family bubble, having fun and taking care of body and mind. Control and curfew.

Reading a novel, doing yoga in front of a TV or your computer, learning how to make crafts or learning with online tutorials and coloring for adults, a form of art therapy are just a few options for you. Thrives. Taking the opportunity to clean the fridge, kitchen cabinets or a neglected drawer can also be liberating. But if everything is penny clean, why not pull a good board game out of the room?

Whether the neurons work or work as a team, options are not lacking. The Mag Network team has recently published a series of articles that offer many suggestions for playing alone, as a couple or with family.

Board game arena platform allows you to play board games with friends, but not everyone at home.

Training, podcasts and blogs

Various companies have put some leisure-based directories online.

This is the case with Concepcion Cubacois du Loisir, which made Loisir available in collaboration with national leisure organizations.

“When the pandemic was announced, we tried to invite them to see that the glass was half full and to communicate positively with the population to see that the pandemic would liberate us from a time we had never had before,” recalled General Manager Sonia Violencourt. . “

Some activities are provided through the theme such as games, publications, blogs, podcasts, videos and services.

For example, in the digital age it is possible to learn music or get a tutorial on astronomy. Educational activities also allow you to have fun while learning.

These recommendations were proposed by one or another of the 39 national leisure organizations representing 4,500 companies of all types across Quebec.

“National organizations are invited to deconfine, that is, to make their products or services generally available for free to members or subscribers.

Read and listen to books

Books allow you to learn, but also to escape when installed comfortably in bed or in an armchair. Why not reconnect with this relaxing passion?

“For young people, the H డre du site (, coordinated by the Association des Libraries publicis du Quebec, has a Gabriel-Girox-Bertrand library in Covansville that prescribes or tells the story directly to the librarian ad McDermat. It’s great to be home. “

On the Municipal Library’s website, a list of the most borrowed books can give readers some ideas. If not, what to read service ( Allows you to get personalized suggestions from the librarian of your local library after filling out a form on your current interests.

“For Cowensville Library subscribers, we’re absolutely advocating for everything digital. We have digital books and access to the Biblimags service for magazines in digital format. After subscribing to all Quebec citizens, Bibliothec et archives natives du Quebec – BPAQ – too) Contains audio and digital books and magazines. “

The Cowansville Municipal Library has no audio books in its concerts and has a limited collection of digital books.

“We’re going to increase our budget for digital books a little bit this year. With the epidemic, our digital book loan numbers almost tripled in April. Since we were able to reopen, it has returned to normal, but with a few more loans.”

Since libraries are open with a contactless loan, children between the ages of 2 and 6 can also pick up early reading kits. Twenty kits are available in French and ten in English.

Finally, the library has an agreement with, which provides educational content for both youth and adults.

Stay healthy in your living room

The training centers have already been closed for several weeks. However, this is not a reason to be inactive at home.

“It’s primitive! For physical health, yes, but most of all for mental health, because physical activity creates hormones of pleasure that are important for subsequent restraint,” coach Emily Arsenalt at Emily Cardio-Recafit stressed.

She changed her courses to provide them via videoconference to stay in touch with her clients, but could correct their movements if necessary.

“I always encourage my clients to keep up. Indoor training allows you to hone your skills for outdoor sports. If you make it a habit to do high knees in cardio, snowshoeing will be easier.”

Different platforms allow you to turn your indoor training into lounge training. There are free platforms and other popular platforms where the instructor has already recorded the course like youtube. “I suggest buying locally even in training. There are some local businesses that offer virtual training. If you are less comfortable, it is a good idea to focus on video conferencing training so that the instructor can correct the movements as needed. “

You do not need your mini-gym at home to work the muscles and cardio. Many types of training use only body weight.

OmTo me Arsenal also suggests seven-minute workout mobile apps that allow you to take an active break during the work day.