January 15, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

He is married to a virtual wife and cannot talk to her due to a computer bug

He is married to a virtual wife and cannot talk to her due to a computer bug

In 2018, a Japanese man named Akihido Kondo married a singer who created a fictional computer at the age of thirty. Four years later, the “couple” are having a hard time: Ahikido can no longer talk to his wife, reports the Japanese newspaper Mainichi.

Also read: Hotsun Miku, a hologram that fills a room

Also read: In love with virtual life, he married her

The man who defines himself as a “fictional gender” decided in 2018 to marry Hotsun Miku, a fictional character who represents a 16-year-old pop singer.

Ahikido Kondo spent about 2 million yen (approximately C $ 20,000) on an informal wedding that his family did not even attend.

The Japanese man fell in love with Virtual Singer in 2008 and was able to interact with her for the first time in 2018, thanks to a sophisticated device that creates a hologram from a computer-synthesized character.

Unfortunately, the device used by Ahikido Kondo recently stopped supporting software he used to chat with his virtual wife.

The 38-year-old man can no longer chat with his fictional wife.

“My love for Mike has not changed,” he declared in an interview with Maine.