January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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House of Representatives | Joe Biden’s social reform plan has crossed a crucial milestone

House of Representatives |  Joe Biden's social reform plan has crossed a crucial milestone

(Washington) President Joe Biden’s massive social reform plan was approved in the House of Representatives on Friday, a crucial milestone victory ahead of the toughest Senate review.

France Media Agency

The text, known as “Build Back Better”, is a $ 1800 billion social and environmental plan that provides significant investments, especially for all kindergartens, tax credits for American homes and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The vote comes three days after Dwight Eisenhower signed the first part of his Infrastructure Act, his grand financial plan, the largest public works program in the United States since the creation of the Inter-Motorway Network in 1956.

The next step for the “Build Back Better” plan, the Senate, guarantees is that its adoption will be complicated, before returning to the House of Commons, perhaps in December or January.

“Creating jobs, cutting costs, making our country more competitive and providing real success for the working class as well as the middle class is another big step in the achievement of my economic program,” Joe welcomed. Biden said in a statement.

The head of state, who is undergoing colonoscopy under general anesthesia and has temporarily transferred his powers to Vice President Kamala Harris, called Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the House of Representatives on Friday morning and “congratulated her on receiving a build-back better,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told Tsvangirai.

“Today’s vote brings us closer to a stronger, more resilient economy,” said Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury.

Millions of jobs

In the House, Democrats could not bear to lose more than three members to win the vote.

In the end, only one Democrat sided with Republicans in rejecting the text.

The vote was cast Thursday night, but Republican lower house leader Kevin McCarthy derailed the Democratic majority’s plans by making an exciting speech that began just after 8:30 pm local time and ended at 5am.

“Getting the text out there is the biggest challenge,” Nancy Pelosi applauded after the vote.

The White House promises its ambitious social reforms will create millions of jobs, but Republicans see it as an example of their Democratic opponents spending money insanely.

Joe Biden promised that the text would “reduce the deficit by more than $ 100 billion in ten years”.

This crucial step is a welcome victory for the Democrats who have faced devastating referendums.

But it still has a long way to go to adopt it, especially since it will definitely be changed by the Senate.

This room is very strictly divided (50 people are elected for each camp), and if the Republicans have close ranks, any Democrat or affiliate will actually have a veto on any bill.

Centers, however, do not hide their concerns about the cost of planning.

Last month, prices rose 6.2% year-over-year, bringing water to the Republican opposition’s mill, which aims to withdraw two houses of Congress from Democrats in next year’s midterm elections.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer promised Friday that he would “work as soon as possible to get this bill on the desk and help middle-class families,” he promised in a press release.