June 1, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

In Jerusalem, Netanyahu’s opposition celebrates ‘victory’

In Jerusalem, Netanyahu's opposition celebrates 'victory'

Twenty meters from the most secure official residence of Prime Minister Ofir Robinsky, the father, nicknamed the Protestant against Mr. Netanyahu Bibi, Can not hide his happiness.

For us, it will be a big night and tomorrow will be a big day. I almost cried. For this we fought peacefully and that day is coming

A quote from:Ofir Robinsky, protester

Netanyahu not only tried to divide us from one section of society against another, but tomorrow we will be united, right, left, Jews, Arabs, Adds Mr. Robinsky, for whom the future prime minister, except at the last minute reversal, Naphtali Bennett Made the right choice By joining the coalition of Change.

For almost a year, Israel has been on trial for corruption, kidnapping and abuse of power in a series of business trials, demanding that Mr. Netanyahu leave the Prime Minister’s official residence on Balfour Street in central Jerusalem.

The two leaders of the new government coalition are Naphtali Bennett and Ayr Lapid

Photo: Reuters / AMMAR AWAD

Confidence vote on Sunday

And this Saturday’s rally could be the last Parliament is due to convene on Sunday For a vote of confidence to verify the coalition project Change The left, center, right and Arab formations unite the parties.

Under the terms of the coalition agreement, Mr. Bennett will replace Benjamin Netanyahu for two years, replacing Centrist Yar Lapid.

It was our last Saturday in Balfour Square. We won. Nesset tomorrow [Parlement] Catches his vote and this Prime Minister will leave. I’m not stressed! It’s good, it’s over, he’s going, Gali Israel Tal, 62-year-old protester.

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We put our shoes on and sleep with one eye open

Screaming wujuzelas, drumbeats, signed Hebrew t-shirt Bibi Lekh(Netanyahu Clear), About 2,000 protesters, including former Army Chief Moshe Yalon, took part in the protest.

But other regulars of the anti-Netanyahu protests say they fear the prime minister has been described by some Political Wizard, Pulls the rabbit out of his hat to stay in power at the last minute.

We are about to end a dark era for Israel, The year in which a protester named Ram Shamir staged demonstrations against Benjamin Netanyahu Absolutely His reign contributed to the end. And add: We put our shoes on and sleep with one eye open […].

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