July 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

In Virginia, George Floyd protesters beheaded Confederate statues

In Virginia, George Floyd protesters beheaded Confederate statues

Demonstrators in Virginia cut off four Confederate statues and pulled one more by a rope Wednesday night.

Photos and videos Published on Twitter A demonstrator is seen carrying a sledgehammer to the head of the statue of the Portsmouth Confederate Monument, which was built in the late 1800s and is said to have been where slaves sat.

The Portsmouth City Council decided on July 28 to determine the fate of a monument. The local outlet is now 13 News.

But protesters took matters into their own hands and gathered at the monument and covered it with black, green and red spray paint on Wednesday afternoon.

They wrote “Black Lives Matter” and George Floyd, a black Minneapolis man whose death involving police touched off a global reckoning of racial injustice.

At 8pm the crowd grew, one poured a bucket of yellow paint on the monument, the others threw water bottles at it, According to The Virginian-Pilot.

A clip Showed a man Protesters chanted as he tied a rope to one of the statues and pulled it down as he played the music.

The newspaper reported that one of the protesters was injured as the statue fell and doctors worked to help him before police removed the area.

The rope broke, but protesters continued to try to tear down the statues, including using bolt cutters.

Protesters handed the 73-year-old Vietnam veteran John Hooks a sword and a rifle torn from the monument.

“I’m a mixed bag of emotions,” Hughes told the pilot. “This is where they sold us into slavery.”

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“For 401 years you have had your feet on our necks,” he said. “When the hell are you going to get out of here?”

Later, an American flag was built with a fire memorial.

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