Whether you are a consumer or an entrepreneur, you will often accept an increase in insurance premiums without trying to understand why. However, with a few checks it is possible to save a lot of money each year.
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Anne Martel, a Quebec businesswoman, decided to help people save money by providing a guide on Assure & Matt.
Furthermore, if you do not change for five years, you will get a 10% discount.
“Insurers like the stability of their client, so when you’ve been in the same place for more than five years, it’s a 10% discount, so when you pay a premium of 1,000, it can still get off the table by verifying $ 100 with this information with your agent or your insurer,” explained Anne Martell.
For your vehicles, you can register the name of the spouse as the principal driver to get a 10% discount.
“We need to ask if it is possible for our insurance company to implement this strategy. This is a strategy we give you and we have put forward and in fact, it has been paired with a 10% discount. We need to take advantage of this, “said Alkar & Mizar, co-founder and senior strategist at Damage Insurance.
On the other hand, she explains that discussions are not necessary every year so these little tips can be applied in the coming days.
Contractors may decide to install a water detection and shut-off system, with an additional 10% discount of up to $ 480 per year.
“Water loss is primarily a claim from businesses for businesses, condominiums or homes, so the water cut detection system will prevent major claims and give us a discount. Stressed.
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