Election worker accepts mail-in ballot from voter at Houston drop-off site Wednesday. A federal judge on Friday upheld a government abbot order limiting a drop-off site to the county.
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Election worker accepts mail-in ballot from voter at Houston drop-off site Wednesday. A federal judge on Friday upheld a government abbot order limiting a drop-off site to the county.
Go to Nakamura / Getty Images
A federal judge has thwarted a Texas plan to limit voters to one location per county for dropping absentee ballots in the upcoming election. The decision stated that this restriction would place an unnecessary burden on the elderly and disabled citizens.
Despite increased requests for absentee ballots, Texas imposed the limit last week. Most Texans are not eligible to vote that way.
Government Greg Abbott announced that he was helping to maintain election security by allowing only one drop-off site per county. Democrats Abbott was accused of trying to suppress the vote.
The ruling parties, including Judge Robert Pittman, with The League of United Latin American Citizens, who sued to overturn the drop-off limit.
The Claim The governor said absentee voters are being forced to travel longer distances and more congested areas, which increases the risk to populations already exposed to the coronavirus. The lawsuit alleges that the Postal Service warned that ballots could not be delivered on time.
The State may appeal this judgment.
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