When Julie Snyder announced on Wednesday evening that she would be accepting Jacinthe Rene, after a commercial break, I first thought it was a slip of the tongue, a mistake, that it was singer Jacinthe – Leave! – Who walks the conveyor belt.
Hugo Dumas Tap
Because, quite clearly, that’s what Jacinthe Rene does 4 July week When did she get out of her company Maison Jacinthe’s most popular trial for illegal medicine?
It is clear that this controversial – and topical – issue is recovering Talk-show , Let’s see. If Julie Snyder only mentions birch bark herbal tea or detox juice, it is not embarrassing and professional.
Photo provided by Sacha Bork, week 4 July
Jacinthe Rene is a guest on Julie Snyder’s show, 4 July week , Wednesday.
Relaxed and super glamorous, Jacinthe Rene showed up and then the 10 minute interview was over, resulting in great time on TV. Live, no one can tear down their microphone and run away from the studio.
Julie Snyder, who is well aware of her case, captured specific questions on the controversial health tips distilled on the Maison Jacinthe Facebook page. The actress and entrepreneur defended herself well, but the more the interview progressed, the more she felt uncomfortable.
Jacinthe Rene’s tensions did not prevent Julie Snyder from scratching Bobo without anesthesia, always in a lively tone, without aggression. This section concludes with a summary from the daily series Conflict , From Wrocaw, where Jacinthe Rene’s game is hailed by the monster.
Great to see Julie Snyder fighting and reprimanding. Most often, showbiz artists get powers when they deserve to move. Julie Snyder confronted her guest with determination and toughness. There is nothing to blame him for that.
On Thursday morning, Jacinte Rene filled in on her social networks, claiming that Julie Snyder had “shocked, betrayed and insulted” her, that she had been caught in Noo’s windstorms, stabbed, torn and “raped”. Words that are heavy with meaning, are identical.
Image from Jacinthe Rene’s Instagram account
Posted by Jasinthe Rene on Instagram on Thursday morning
Completely false, Julie Snyder, was added Thursday afternoon. “Jacinthe knew the interview was going to be about the prosecution. If she asked us not to talk about her trial, we would not accept her. This is part of his news,” Julie Snyder explained.
Prior to the broadcast, the host visited Jacinthe Rene in his dressing room. “I warned her that the interview would not be so easy. I am a professional and everything I do is facts in front of her. I treated her with respect and dignity. I have given him the opportunity to respond many times, ”said Julie Snyder.
Jasinte Rene remained until the end of the show. The two women did not speak again after the broadcast ended. Julie Snyder and Jacinthe Rene are not friends in real life. And there is no old conflict between them. “Jasinte is someone I respect as a businessman. I use her makeup products and I have nothing against her, ”said Julie Snyder.
Jacinthe Rene sent me a long reply on Thursday morning. First, she stated that she had lost faith in the media. “Yes, I suspect we were clearly going to talk about the trial, but did not accept all sorts of allegations after the allegations. I can assure you that the pre-interview did not lead me to believe that such a moment was going to happen ”, confirms Jacinthe Rene.
She continues: “I have rarely been in such a situation, devastated, betrayed. We admit I was shot and killed. I have no interest in going to fight. I did not expect this and I do not need it. I do not need to make corrections if I feel my treatment is unfair. Quite the opposite. Who do they think they are offering me a platform to make edits? “
His trial is set to begin on March 23.
Olivier Bernard, alias The Pharmacine, alerted the College of Physicians in 2018 about actions he considered questionable on behalf of Maison Jacinthe. On Thursday, Oliver Bernard praised Julie Snyder’s “extraordinary work” in saying he “did not leave room for dodging or vague answers” in his interview.
“Usually I don’t notice bad movements anymore. But it is also important to recognize the good, ”Oliver Bernard recalled in an interview.
Of Beautiful inconveniences Paying
Photo provided by VÉRO BONCOMPAGNI
Martin Matte resumes his series Beautiful inconveniences This week.
TVA executives breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the ratings for the first episode Beautiful inconveniences 2.0 , Broadcast Wednesday evening: 1,618,000 viewers. This is an excellent score for an equally excellent comedy.
9:30 pm, premiere Funny Veronica 871,000 people interested. Two TVA novels have harmed Radio-Canada’s comedy, viz The Blue House (407,000) and Guys (463 000).
Always Wednesday evening, District 31 1,474,000 fans showed up on their small screen. The gap between is narrowed TV kids (791,000) and Didn’t seem difficult (516 000). Grocery store (680,000) and Tower (629,000) while tied, while Big Brother Celebrity 511,000 fans interested.
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