January 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Justin Trudeau appoints five new senators

Justin Trudeau appoints five new senators

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday unveiled five appointments made by Canada’s new Governor-General Mary Simon to fill vacant seats for independent senators across the country.

Originally from the Inno Community of Ushat McMani-Utenam, Mrs. Adette presided over the Native Women’s Association of Quebec, then the local Women’s Association of Canada.

One of her main aspirations was the Senate early in her career, she recalls.

There are many laws out there including Indian law. I never thought it would happen to me in my 50s, She told RDI.

By accepting this new pair of moccasins there, I knew I wasn’t going to change everything, but, at least I tried. I am trying to do with this command

A quote from:Michelle Audette, Independent Senator
Michelle Adette at the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls in Richmond, British Columbia.

Michelle Audette is the National Commissioner of Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls.

Photo: Canadian Press / Daryl Dick

Ms. Adette campaigned in the 2015 Federal Elections, on the flag of the Liberal Party of Canada, in a Terrebon ride.

However, since 2019, she has worked as a Reconciliation and Indigenous Education Consultant at Laval University. She is also a columnist Indigenous spaces Since spring.

Former Minister, Mayor

In addition to serving as Minister of Economic Development, Clement Gignock briefly headed the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife between September 2011 and September 2012.

Since losing the provincial election the same year, he has held the position of Chief Economist in the IA Financial Group. He is best known for his numerous media appearances as an expert in economics.

Clement Gignock, Senior Vice President and Senior Economist at IA Financial Group in an Internet interview.

Clement Gignock was first elected to the Liberal Party of Quebec in the 2009 by-election.

Photo: Radio-Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also appointed Quebec-based businessman Amina Gerban and two representatives from the Prairies, David Arnott and Karen Sorensen.

Describes Amina Gerba, a founder born in Cameroon Many years of economic relationship between Canada and Africa, In a biography distributed by the Prime Minister’s Office.

David Arnott is a former judge and human rights commissioner from Saskatchewan. In the case of Karen Sorensen, She is the mayor of the town of Banff, In Alberta.

All new senators are recommended by an independent advisory board on Senate appointments and selected through a merit-based process open to all Canadians, Directs the Prime Minister’s Office through a press release. He said the senators were independent and that the process was meant to reflect Canadian diversity.

Since coming to power in 2015, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has made 60 independent Senate appointments.