January 15, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Liberal TV by Jean-Marie Lapoint

Liberal TV by Jean-Marie Lapoint

Jean-Marie Lapoint is not only generous towards the camera. Benevolence is always flowing in his veins.

Posted at 10:00 a.m. yesterday

Richard Therin

Richard Therin
The sun

After our conversation, he went to serve lunch at the Maison du Pere in Montreal just like every Wednesday. Two days later, he does so at Mission Bon Aquile, another valuable resource for the less fortunate.

“My voluntary commitment, I need it. His scales and arpeggios are like that of a pianist to do. There is nothing voluntary about bringing you back to earth, ”he told me.

Success at two, Airing his new series on Monday night at 9pm on Moi et al, is confident in his deep nature. Each week, we focus on the immediate entourage of the disabled athlete, with these important teammates supporting the eyes, hands, and the latter.

“Among the vignettes we often see about Olympic or Paralympic athletes, there is a particular focus on the portrait athlete. For us, it’s exactly the opposite: you have to look at the athlete and associate with him, but we also want to show the human qualities of volunteers and teammates, “explains Jean-Marie Lapoint, who wants to know their motivations.

We can consider the relationship between the parathlete and the companion as a dependent condition; As we watch the series, we see the symbiosis between creatures who trust each other completely and get a lot from each other.

This is evident in Monday’s episode of Maximilian Morey, a tandem cyclist, teaming up with a blind man named Benoit Lallomier Cloutier, a blind man limited to six degrees as in the series. Simon Bouleris. You will see them competing in a thrilling race that must turn 180 degrees. Because the series also relies heavily on performance and overtaking.

Directed and scripted by Pierre-Antoine Fournier, this six-hour series is highly inspiring. Success at two The continuation of Jean-Marie Lapoint’s involvement for two decades as a representative of Defi Sportife Alter‌go, who brings athletes together with a functional limit each year.

Photo provided by me and CIE

Paralympic athlete Matthew Saint-Pierre with Jean-Marie Lapoint

Most episodes end with the apotheosis of great competition as the first to be offered for free on TVA +, where the camera trains on Paracano athlete Matthew Saint-Pierre wife Julianne Morin-Nolet watching her boyfriend. Participate in the Tokyo Games.

“Transmission belt”

In Value addedA series of interviews conducted by Véronique Cloutier with people of different values, provided since June 15 in the additional Véro.tv section of ICI Tou.tv, Jean-Marie Lapointe takes half of the messages he receives for requests for help and he takes the time to respond to everything.

“When a mother writes to tell you that she no longer sees her son on the street and wonders if he’s still alive, and we find out that her son has drowned under the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, how can you not answer that? Yes, it takes time, but it never happens to me. Not a burden.

“I have a lot of resources around me, I’m sure I have a possible solution. I’ll take the solution of his problem behind me, I’m not a hero, I’m just a transmission belt.”

News from Jean Lapoint

I could not talk to Jean-Marie Lapoint without asking him about his father, Jean Lapointe, in an interview with Patrice Roy over the holidays that people happily watched again.

“Our dad lights up with Kodak, he’s a showman! Jean-Marie told me.

“It’s amazing what happened to him. Two years ago, he entered CHUM in such a miserable condition. With CHSLD Saint-George, they brought it back, they repaired it. Dad had circulatory and articulation disorders, had a few minor episodes of dementia, but everything , He lives in the present moment.He was always very anxious and I think he is very less anxious today.

“He’s strong, Dad. When he was there, he was all there. We can enjoy every moment with him because what tells me he will be there next week? He has not been diagnosed in a lifetime, but I do not take the opportunity. ⁇