January 9, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Mental Health: TVA and “Star Academy” float with young people

Mental Health: TVA and "Star Academy" float with young people

Following disturbing beliefs from two academics, TVA and the “Star Academy” reaffirm their commitment to youth in mental health matters.

Also read: Mawa and Quinney of “Star Academy” revealed to have been attacked

On Thursday night’s newspaper, it was revealed that Mawa and Quinnie had attacked each other during a class with Laura Fabian and her husband Gabrielle di Giorgio.

By encouraging them to remember the events that befell their lives, Waterloo Academy director Mawa and Queenie are immersed in painful childhood memories synonymous with aggression.

“Candidates were warned that this was the workshop he was doing. (…) They knew the thing, so the girls were really ready,” said Jean-Philippe Dion, executive producer of Star Academy, explaining why the product was chosen to air the segment.

“I also think it is liberating for them to let go of those emotions and find peace with it. We have recently warned families to let them know that this is coming,” he said.

Therefore, Jean-Philippe Dion believes that the spread of this evidence is part of what he calls “useful TV.”

“Television means, to respond. There may be people who decide to call for help,” he said.

It should also be remembered that the benefits of voting on Sunday varieties are given to tel-jeans and foundation jeans en tates, whose aim is to help and prepare young people in the face of stress and anxiety and depression.

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