In retro modeAlthough STM has completely replaced its old MR-63, there are still many elements that date back to the Metro inauguration on October 14, 1966, exactly 55 years ago.
Along with the construction of stations and sometimes wall ceramics in a psychedelic style, the vacuum train that spends a few nights cleaning the tracks remains very legendary. But ideally not for long.
It takes a lot of effort to keep it alive, because some parts are hard to find and take a long time to get
, Said Mary-Claude Leonard, executive director of Metro at STM .
In the not-too-distant future, the STM
I want to find a new train with batteries and so it has autonomy. To run a Dust Collector train at present, power must be turned on on the line on which it is running at night, which delays the teams’ night work. When the power goes out, they can only work for safety reasons.Even the famous peanut oil soaked in wooden brake shoes has not changed. It was found in the new Azure trains. Ordered at the rate of 4000 to 5000 liters per year, it can treat up to 20,000 clogs produced annually, improving their heat resistance.
Other artifacts: Panels logo outside kiosks, metro car tires, trash cans, benches and station names on platforms. The Montreals love of their metro and the pride of the employees who work there has not changed either.
, Welcome to Mrs. Leonard.
Longer affordable, Metro?
55 years ago, you had to work 12 minutes with a minimum wage ($ 1 / hr in 1966) to buy a ticket that cost 20 cents. In 2021, despite the recent increase in the minimum wage ($ 13.70 / h), you still have to work 16 minutes to buy a ticket for $ 3.50 or 33% more.
Comments? When we compare it with other cities in the world, STM continues to compare favorably with other transport companies.
, Mrs. Leonard answers.
Since 2017, it has been an independent agency (ARTM) that sets rates in Greater Montreal, she said.
If you have to work harder with the minimum wage than in 1966, the minimum wage may not rise quickly.
As a member of the National Coalition for Social Prices in Transportation, Trajektour Quebec promotes the company to get more favorable fares, especially for the less fortunate.
Often people with low or very low incomes do not even get a ticket for a job interview or psychosocial support appointment.
, Sarah V., Executive Director of the company. Mentioned about Doan.
While she welcomed the fact that seniors or students have access to reduced rates, she points out that there is no access to those most in need. In the context of rising rents reducing these individuals to the outskirts of large urban centers, we need to take immediate action if we are to face social exclusion.
, She adds.
His organization also invites municipal candidates to take a position on the subject and follow the example of the Society de Transport de l’Otouis, which, from 2019, introduced a measure of social prices for people living below the limit. Low income.
Good student of integrationIn the 1966 activity report, no mention was made of the numberEmployees of color
Within the organization. This is from 1987 STM Began to evaluate its diverse efforts in its annual reviews.
At the end of 2019, visible ethnic and indigenous minorities represented 33.9% of the 10,444 employees. STMOne of the most active owners in Quebec. Independently, the visible minority population is 17.1% of the workforce (3.1% in the Society de Transport de Laval, 4.8% in the Society de Transport de Languele and 9.4% from Montreal). We are proud of these results
, Refers to the STM to which it is attached The work is not done
Reviving old MR-63s
Most MR-63s have their parts removed before being sent for recycling. However the old carts were saved for donation so that some of the landmarks from the past remain. The Railway Museum has a train like the Les Jordins de Metis near Rimowski.
The highest earning company leads two young Montreals who want to create a conducive space to promote local talent. (New window) On the corner of Peel and Ottawa streets in Cityland in Griffintown District. We got some permits and we are close to our lease
, mentioned about entinenne Morin Bordeleau.
The project, particularly supported by the Desjardins, now houses a building stacked with old MR-63s. Young entrepreneurs are waiting for the confirmation of government grants before preparing plans and specifications. The inauguration is still scheduled for 2023.
Who does well: The CTM
From 1966 or STM Of 2019?Between 1966 and 1967, the CTM (Commission de Transport de Montreal), led by Lucian Laurel, transported approximately 285 million people (284,803,721 exactly) according to the available annual report. (New window) In the archives. All $ 60 million budget or 21 cents per trip.
In 2019 (we are eliminating the pandemic years), STM made $ 1.7 billion in operating expenses ($ 1,748,563,000) or 466 million trips for $ 3.75 per trip.
If we take inflation into account, 21 cents in 1966 is worth about $ 1.63 in 2019. This means the CTM
Was able to ship Montreal for more than (3.75: 1.63 = 2.3) STM , Excluding the rising cost of living.How to explain this? We risk the number of employees, a hypothesis among others.
In 1966, the CTM
An average of 5,714 employees (i.e. 1 employee for 49,702 annual trips). In 2019, STM had 10,444 employees or 1 employee for 44,618 trips. This is an 11% lower yield.The STMThe STM Is very different from 1966 STM From 2021
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