January 11, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Mexican border crisis | All immigrants left their camp in Texas

Mexican border crisis |  All immigrants left their camp in Texas

(Washington) U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said on Friday that all immigrants sitting under a bridge in the city of Del Rio, Texas, had left their makeshift camp, as the government was embroiled in a new immigration crisis along the Mexican border. .

Aurelia END
France Media Agency

“Today, we have no more immigrants in the camp under the bridge,” it said, counting 15,000 people, including many Haitians, at the end of last week, Mr Myorkas said during a press conference at the White House.

Nearly 2,000 were deported to Haiti on the plane, 8,000 returned voluntarily to Mexico, 5,000 were transferred to asylums and 12,400 were able to leave the site and have to report to an immigration judge to defend their claim, he said.

In all, 30,000 immigrants have arrived in the small town on the Texas border since Sept. 9, living in the heat and filth after crossing the Rio Grande from the city, according to Mr Mayorkas. Ciudad Acuña.

Photo by Julio Cortez, Associated Press

With the influx of these immigrants and the treatment some are facing, border police officers have been pushed back as they cross the river, with a blizzard of criticism from the Biden administration, inhumanely on the left and from the right.

In a photo taken Sunday by an AFP photographer, a border guard on horseback grabbed a man by his T-shirt on the American side. On the other, he puts a group on his back, in a threatening pose, forcing them to turn back.

These films from all over the world created a sensation in America.

Some saw immigrants there as equals to cattle, while others recalled being abused by mounted police, prison guards or slave owners by African Americans.

“Visceral” response

Joe Biden, qui ne s’était pas encore exprimé en public sur le sujet, a promis vendredi que ces agents allaient « payer » pour ces actes « scandaleux ».

« Je vous le promets, ces gens vont payer, il y aura une enquête, il y aura des conséquences », a-t-il dit à des journalistes.

Les autorités américaines ont déjà ouvert une enquête et suspendu temporairement les opérations à cheval de la police aux frontières autour de Del Rio.

Interrogé pour savoir s’il assumait la responsabilité du « chaos » à la frontière, Joe Biden a répondu vendredi : « Bien sûr que j’en assume la responsabilité. Je suis le président. C’était horrible […] To see people behaving that way “.

“It was embarrassing,” he said before recovering. “It’s more than embarrassing. It’s dangerous. It’s not. It’s sending the wrong message to the world, the wrong message to us.”

“This is not who we are,” the Democrat promised during his campaign to deal with immigration issues with humanity, separating himself from Donald Trump, who swore only by repression and wall construction on the border.

White House spokeswoman Jen Saki defended the president’s muscle comments, saying “there is a very human and visceral response to these images.”

Democratic leftists have condemned the deportation of Haitians to a country mired in political, security and humanitarian crisis.

Alejandro Myorkas assures that these boycotts, authorized in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, are “dictated by public health needs.”

He emphasized that the government was not acting “immorally” and that the right to asylum was governed by “strict rules”.

The right criticizes the fatigue of the authorities and, accordingly, calls for air on the southern border.

“Instead of responding to the border crisis he created and actively promoted, President Biden blindly joined the radical left in rushing to make judgments and attacking women and men who are working to defend our borders,” he said. House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy.