January 15, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Micah Bell burns the center

Micah Bell burns the center

Singer Mika renews her love for Quebec during a visit to the Bell Center on Monday night For The Right of Spring.

He did not go through four ways to start the festivities: The description of his megasuccess Lollipop Thrilled the audience.

Thousands of people eagerly await the evening at the Amphitheater. Due to illness, the artist, who is of Triple British, American and Lebanese nationalities, had to postpone his April 9 concert. However, he starved the Quebecs by participating in the final Star AcademySunday.

As a good veteran of the scene, Mika provided what her fans expected when they broke the bank: the string of Yearworms was presented with extravagance and drama.

Relax (Take It Easy), Grace Kelly, She Tells Me : The 38-year-old singer did not exclude any of his classics, including some important ones Boom, boom boomIn duet with Arian Mofot.

However we can imagine that the audience occupied modest seats when they realized that the giant screens in the hall were not working. Unless they have extraordinary vision, most people out there will rarely notice Mika’s facial features.

“The Bell Center without a screen is difficult for the people behind it. We’re going to do something, ”he said before crossing the floor during his explanation Big girl.

Fortunately, his unbridled power and charisma overcame blindness. Dressed in a pink suit and with a discreet play of light and musicians in the background, Mika drew everyone’s attention to his theatrical performance as he faced this challenge with flying colors.

Klô Pelgag sets the table

Mika Bell chose no artist to warm up the center’s boards: Quebec singer-songwriter Claw Pellag.

Through their wide vocal palette and their colorful universe, we can see the obvious similarities between the two protagonists of the evening.

The choreography was chosen soberly along with the musicians wearing white lab coats, the extraordinary singer expressing herself with the help of her hovering melodies and her rock flights.

Mika tour For The Right of Spring It stops in Quebec on April 27 and in Sagune on April 28.