December 28, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Not equal to our TV

Not equal to our TV

When we say that Quebecs people are different, nothing proves to be like our television.

No country in the world claims a television view comparable to ours. In my column last Tuesday, based on previous year’s statistics, on Radio-Canada, I estimated that four New Year’s Eve performances would attract an audience of over seven million. I’m in the potatoes.

Listening togetherLive from the universe, D ‘See you next year, D ‘Infoman And you Farewell When the catch-up listing and recordings are compiled it should exceed 11 million.

According to Numeris data, 3,814,000 people watched it Farewell Direct and 3,038,000 Infoman, This year’s review by a single man named Jean-Rene Duffort. New Year SpecialLive from the universe Reached an audience of 1,998,000 and See you next year, A regular radio show transferred to television, 1,843,000. This is unheard of.

Better than a Super Bowl

Performance like Farewell Or Infoman The fact that half of Quebec’s total French – speaking population comes together represents an extraordinary feat. To measure what this means, the Super Bowl show reaches 50% more viewers than last year (102 million) and seven times more than the Oscars! The Super Bowl is still the most-watched American show, far ahead of the Oscars or any other major sporting event.

How much do we owe these outstanding ratings to the pandemic? Maybe less than you thought. Arrested at home, the Quebec premiere himself was invited to sit in front of the television, with slightly more Quebeckers watching the New Year celebrations live than usual. Listening to covers or recordings should be shorter than in previous years, though it is wise not to make any predictions. When I learned the hard way, Tuesday!

A typical TV in the fall

Next season, our shows should finally be able to produce without the health restrictions that have been imposed since last spring.

No one complains about watching the police District 31 Finally talking face to face rather than from one end of their desk to the other. We all see our soap opera characters hugging and kissing each other with pleasure. No one worries about LCN or RDI public affairs shows where guests are in the studio rather than in their bedrooms or kitchen. We quickly forget the news reporters handing their hairy microphones to their interlocutors at the end of the six-foot pole.

Creators and producers did not reinvent television during the epidemic. We are not rediscovering the cycle. Their creativity has succeeded in making us sometimes forget that we are watching television, health restrictions often fall to its simplest expression.

However, despite the great content ubiquitous content from Netflix, Disney + or Amazon Prime, we have not stopped watching our television as the December 31st viewing figures are eloquently displayed.