October 17, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Official languages ​​in the workplace | The “reform document” was expected in Ottawa

Official languages ​​in the workplace |  The "reform document" was expected in Ottawa

(Ottawa) Ottawa fills a legal vacuum by forcing private companies under federal jurisdiction to comply with its official language obligations in Quebec and in areas with a strong Francophone presence.

Catherine Levsk
The Canadian Press

According to sources close to the file contacted by the Canadian press, this is one of the parts that appears in Minister Melania Jolie’s revision paper on the future of official languages, which will be unveiled early Friday.

The federal government, while operating under its own jurisdiction, draws inspiration from the French language charter in Quebec, which has the right to operate in French in all federal companies with employees in more than 50 regions.

The Committee of Experts, which is supposed to represent the Canadian Francophony, is responsible for defining the standards of the major Francophone areas outside Quebec and the possible solutions for workers in relation to the working language and service language in these areas. And in Quebec.

The committee will have 60 days to issue its recommendations.

The reform document should include other measures specific to French-speaking minorities outside Quebec and English-speaking minorities in Quebec. Minister Jolie has already announced his intention to grant more powers to the Official Languages ​​Commissioner.

Following the recommendations of the Committee of Experts, there may be reforms to the Official Languages ​​Act, the Labor Code or other laws that the federal government deems relevant.

The modernization of the Official Languages ​​Act has been fueling ink for many years.

In 2019, the year of the 50sE On the anniversary of the law, the Senate Committee on Official Languages ​​submitted its report after two years of consultation and called on Commissioner Raymond Theberg to make it more “dynamic” and “stronger”.

Minister Jolie then began consultations with the repeatedly stated goal of modernizing the Official Languages ​​Act.

The official opposition on Wednesday slammed the Liberal government, with Radio-Canada confirming that the proposals would be included in the document rather than in the bill.

“Liberals are throwing more smoke into our eyes this morning by announcing the arrival, be careful, it’s not about the modernization of two official languages, it’s not a white paper that they” burned “us before the holidays, but a document to protect the French”, began curator Alain Reyes.

The Quebec government avoided his comments.

“Currently, the federal government has not officially announced any action. So we will not comment at this time. We are always clear on this matter, the Quebecars must be able to work in their language, French and the fact that they work for a federal chartered company should not change anything,” said Minister Simon Jolene, press secretary Elizabeth Gosselin. Barrett.

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