January 13, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Positive to COVID-19 | Queen Elizabeth II cancels video conferencing

Positive to COVID-19 |  Queen Elizabeth II cancels video conferencing

(London) Queen Elizabeth II, who tested positive for Kovid-19 on Sunday, canceled two videoconference hearings scheduled for Thursday and did not anticipate further engagement this week, Buckingham Palace said.

Posted at 10:00 am

“Her Majesty will continue to perform light duties. No further engagements are scheduled for this week,” Palace told the PA news agency in a statement.

The two hearings scheduled for Thursday are said to be “adjourned to a later date.”

No details were given on the 95-year-old’s sovereign health condition.

On Tuesday, she canceled an engagement she had already scheduled online, with Palace describing her as “still showing symptoms like a mild cold”.

Elizabeth II, who crossed the milestone of 70 years of rule on February 6, was declared positive for COVID-19 on Sunday. She met her son, Prince Charles, on February 8, and was tested positive two days later.

On Wednesday, however, she hosted her weekly telephone audience with Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Since the night he was hospitalized in October, it has been very rare for the Sovereign to appear. However the palace recently announced that it was resuming its open operations, including a ceremony at Westminster Abbey on March 29 in memory of her husband Prince Philip, who died last year.

A four-day celebration is planned for June to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, marking her 70 – year reign.

Until then, several trips are planned for members of the royal family in the spring, Buckingham announced Thursday, on the occasion of the jubilee.

Crown Prince Charles and his wife Camilla will visit Ireland from March 23 to 25, while Prince William and Kate will visit Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas from March 19 to 26.

Prince Edward, the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II, and his wife, Sophie, will travel to Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Saint Lucia and the Caribbean from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines from April 11 to April 11, and Princess Anne in Papua New Guinea. 13.