December 27, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

PQ was offended by the visit of the Governor General of Canada to the National Assembly

PQ was offended by the visit of the Governor General of Canada to the National Assembly

The party should not be complacent in accepting the Queen’s representative, as Prime Minister Franois Legalt did this week, the party Quebecois said.

PQ MP Pascal Bérubé said it was only when he saw the huge red carpet unfolding in the National Assembly Hall on Wednesday that he realized that Canadian Governor General Mary Simon had come to Parliament.

He was even more annoyed to learn that Franకోois Legalt had received MMe Nearly a third of Cubans prefer to free themselves from the British monarchy and its symbols, but Simon was “with all due respect, with all the fla-flo, guarding all around.”

“It’s obscene,” Mr. Berube said. Why does a self-proclaimed nationalist government attach importance to the Queen’s representative of England, to the foreign queen, to the head of the Anglican Church … when will their nationalism begin? I mean, I’m depressed. ”

In English

“We did not meet her. So we’re ready to honor Guy before the monarchy. Then it’s a tribute to Laughlor before the governor. Our national symbols and then our heroes, they were not in Buckingham Palace. They were born in Quebec,” the MP continued for Matane-Matapedia.

“We say: ‘In Quebec, we recognize that the Queen of England is our Head of State and that this legal order makes sense.’ That doesn’t make sense, “said PQ leader Paul Saint-Pierre Plamandon.Me Simon does not speak French.

Prime Minister Franకోois Legalt said the meeting was “partly in French” and then “in English”.Me Simon “still has to do” to master the Moliere language.

Not a priority, Legault said

Mr. Legault points out that he met with Mr.Me Simon “politely, at his request”. “I do not want to have a representative of the Queen, but the change it will bring, which, in my opinion, is very critical and is not a priority at the moment,” said Head Coquist.

Gabriel Nadeo-Dubois, the parliamentary leader of Quebec Solidarity, also refused to meet with the governor-general.

“She contacted us to meet with us, then we politely declined the meeting. This was not a meeting I considered a priority. There are big problems in Quebec,” Mr Nadeau-Dubois commented.

“She came, we met her. This meeting was in English and I would like this meeting to be held in French,” said Dominique Angled, a Liberal leader who avoided spreading the word.