March 26, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

QS: And it lectures others!

QS: And it lectures others!

You know what they say about nature: try to chase it away and it will come back.

We may try to camouflage, to purify, to make up, but sooner or later, the truth will resurface.

You might hope that a cat will learn to bark or a dog will learn to meow, but it won’t work because nature doesn’t want it that way.

rich man

The true nature of Quebec Solidaire came back at the Gallup this week, even as its management tried to hide it.

To grow, QS must attract new customers.

A series of podcasts, particularly one on disarming the police, is being taken down.

Mr. Nadeau-Dubois told us his party is concerned about the middle class and its wallet.

Being the good actor that he is, he found a way to say it without laughing.

Obviously, it’s been a long time since QS allegedly ranted about the racist, Islamophobic white low-income earner and Supreme Crime, Richard Martino reader.

When I started my university education in the early 1980s, Marxist-Leninists sold their newspapers in front of UQAM.

Their motto: Let the rich pay!

This is what QS is still arguing for, with the idea of ​​taxing assets over a million dollars.

Nature is back.

If you have a specific purpose pension fund, chances are you will become a millionaire on paper.

If you own a home on the Island of Montreal, you shouldn’t be far from this hated category.

At QS we have a broad definition of what it means to be rich.

Many ultra-left college professors sympathetic to QS had to swallow their pumpkin-flavored frappuccino and vegan fair trade oatmeal cookie, knowing they’d be flipped out.

As Mario Dumont points out, QS protects X who spends his entire salary to live from day to day, and taxes Y who earns the same salary as X but saves and invests all his life.

QS also tries to make us believe that he is professionalising himself, getting serious and doing his homework.

Oops! We find that this imposition will devastate the next generation of farmers, whose land and machinery are so valuable, and QS will back out within hours.

Obviously, seen from Plateau Mont-Royal, the originality of Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur becomes pure abstraction.


Meanwhile, on the party’s website, at the time of writing these lines, the program approved at the 2019 Congress, “socialization of economic activity”, “beyond capitalism” (where to go?) and others can still be found. Violations.

Let me make an easy prediction for you: the media will happily cover it under the pretense that QS is unlikely to take over.