January 14, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Quebec City Hall: Regis LaBeouf will not stand for re-election in November

Quebec City Hall: Regis LaBeouf will not stand for re-election in November

The Quebec mayor, Regis Labyum, announced in November that he would not run for mayor in November, after a 14-year rule over the capital.

Also read: The departure of Regis Labyum: Reactions and Tributes

“My time is up and I want another life,” the Quebec mayor said in a speech from Wednesday, explaining the reasons for his departure.

The mayor knew before the last election that this was his last word. He made the final decision last week on the day he called for proposals to find a consortium to build the tram. Living for four years with this secret is not so easy. On Wednesday, he was calm during his announcement. “It’s been a long time, there’s no need to keep that secret anymore.”

Tram Network project, it is very important for him to achieve. “I can not leave myself without starting a sustainable mobility project.” The last word is hard, but when the work is done, he is comfortable by the end of his tenure. “The next four [années] Much less than the last four I experienced. ”

Says life feels more normal. Politics is hard, on individuals and on family, he says. He thanked his family members for “supporting” these choices in recent years. “It was intoxicating, but after 14 years I was full. I lived seriously. ”

No need to worry

With the exception of a few rats he was not proud of, he had no regrets. Journalist Isabelle Porter has publicly apologized to Du Devoir for speaking harshly about her many years ago. But for him, even if his style doesn’t appeal to everyone, “bending your back” is always important.

The mayor feels the need to “rest” now. He thinks “sleep, sleep, sleep”. Then let’s see. He says he has no “career plan”, but certainly stands in the way of politics, he clearly rules. “It simply came to our notice then. It’s over. I am not turning towards politics, I am saying that politics is over. “

“It’s difficult politics, but the problem is it takes very capable leaders. I can not help but encourage them. My greatest fear is that the quality of the political class is declining. Fortunately, there are still intelligent people, a little cracked, to go,” he smiled.

He does not want to go ahead with the next election and what will happen to the party that bears his name, quipe Labeaume. He did not confirm whether he would take part in the campaign.