December 27, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Quebec provides tools to discuss better access to family physicians

Gros plan de Christian Dubé durant un point de presse.

According to Bill 11, which was introduced in the National Assembly on Thursday, Quebec hopes to get better data that general practitioners want to share with network managers to learn how patient care is handled on a regional basis.

Part of the law also provides for the implementation of a new appointment scheduling platform that integrates existing systems, so that all cubes can finally see a doctor within 36 hours. However, this requires discussions with family physicians.

Minister Dubey also explained to the press that he would draft his bill Work canvas Who will go To help The government is in talks with the Federation of Medicines Omniprసిticians du Quebec (FMOQ).

This is the management bill […] We have the data [sur la prise en charge] Region-wise, we provide our managers and secondly, we have an appointment system that allows cubes to have appointments within a reasonable deadline.

A quote from:Christian Dubey, Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services

The bill did not introduce a hybrid pay system where physicians would be paid not only on the basis of fees for services currently available, but also on the basis of the number of patients treated or the direct measures of forced detention. Family physicians to take on more patients.

There is no coercion, no punitive measures, no one. […] This is the framework of the work on which we agree with the doctors to work together, […] To reach the right deal for doctors and the right deal for cubers.

A quote from:Christian Dubey, Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services

However, it can be read that the government can adopt a code of conduct Determine the percentage of time slots offered from Monday to Friday, before 8am and after 7pm, as well as Saturdays and Sundays.

The bill first requires family physicians to register with RAMQ Only people registered with Family Physician Access should be added to their clients.

To this end, the Minister invited Dubai Quebecs to register at the counter immediately. More than 880,000 people waiting for a doctor are currently registered there.

As the Minister himself admits, there are probably 1.5 million people in this situation, if we take into account, Tired of registering at the counter‌ that did not answer them, Not registered.

It is a helping hand for family physicians to respond to Cubans who want and have the right to be a family physician.

A quote from:Franకోois Legalt, Quebec Premier

Data was transferred to regional leaders

The bill initially aims to ensure that CEOs of integrated health and social service centers (CISSS or CIUSSS) and regional directors of general medicine (DRMG) have accurate information on patient load action by family physicians in their area.

The problem is not being able to take this information that I have as a minister and share it with my colleagues in the cabinet., Explained Christian Dubey.

Why is this important? Every year, when we assign new doctors […] You need to look at all kinds of data in an area to say: Are there enough family doctors? And if that’s enough, maybe one or the other area should be preferred.

Our DRMGs, our managers locally, do not have access to this information […] How do you manage an area and how do you manage the good distribution of physicians if local administrators do not have access to information?

A quote from:Christian Dubey, Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services

Two weeks ago, Quebec asked executives to send a RAMQ list, which would allow at least 1,000 patients to identify physicians who were not caring, but agreed without knowing whether it was a legal action.

Although the bill does not establish any quota for medical care and does not establish a policy that has been severely criticized by the FMOQ, it does give a specific form to this desire. The Minister explained that in the long run, this responsibility will fall on the Family Medical Groups (GMFs) in an area.

It completely changes the dynamic, He pleaded. That’s why I want local DRMGs to see every area [pour pouvoir] Say: If we want to remove [de la liste] What are the 20,000 cubicers and 75 FMGs in Monterey without a family doctor? [de la région] All in all, [et] Personally To achieve this.

In other words, it is up to the doctors to come to an understanding of themselves within a framework Participants Than that Forced.

When I told you a few weeks ago that our focus was culture change, it was also decentralized, as well, that this information should be managed locally.

A quote from:Christian Dubey, Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services

“Trivago” making an appointment

The bill would also enable the establishment of a new one-stop-shop that would allow appointments made with regular practitioners to be recorded in one place through platforms such as Bonjour Santo or Rendez-Vos Santo.

According to Christian Dubey, it does a job Trivago Giving an Appointment: In other words, the patient who needs to see the family doctor, even if he or she is not registered with one of them, will receive a list of appointments available elsewhere in his area within the next 36 hours.

Currently, general practitioners work very well with their clinic or their FMG appointment system, but we do not have an overview of appointment scheduling in a given area, Explained the Minister.

It is a system of appointments by region. […] This means an appointment can be made, not required […] In the person’s clinic, but we tell him: there is an appointment that is available in such and such a place.

A quote from:Christian Dubey, Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services

According to Christian Dubey, the Ministry of Health and FMOQ have been working for almost a year to set up this platform, which has already been tested in two locations in Quebec. Of the 600 FMGs in Quebec, 450 are already connected and the rest will be available by the end of this year, he said.

The health minister still agreed that the platform would not solve all the problems of consulting family doctors overnight. We have to be realistic, we are not going to empty the access counter in a month, He agreed.

It is my commitment to ask the doctors after completing the discussion that will take place in the coming weeks: by each doctor we should be given a very large number of appointments region-wise., He returned to the upcoming talks.

It is necessary Physicians, whether they practice in the Family Medicine Group, whether in a private clinic or alone, [rendent] Access a certain number of appointments so that people can take care of them when they call, even if they do not have a family doctor., He summed up.

If we meet again in February and it does not move forward at all, it is another step. Today, what I want to tell you is that I hope we can stay with them, Said Minister Dubey. Dr. Godin always says to me: “Do not impose fines on us, and we will show you that we can work together”. I take his word for it, He added.

He later recalled that Quebec deals with all FMGs in Quebec would expire on April 1. If the GMF has to pay a penalty for not respecting the 36 hours, the doctors in the GMF will be fined. They can share it, He guessed.

The Minister also pointed out that subsequent GMF contracts would incur higher penalties for those who did not provide services at typical times as provided in their contract. In doing so, he said, FMGs are creating barriers to moving patients to the emergency room.

This explains why the bill provides possible control over determining time slots at typical times, he said. I want to give myself the right and we will do it through GMF agreements, [m]” Make sure unfavorable hours are respected.