Montreal, The 30 November 2021 / CNW Telbec / – In the fight against AIDS in Quebec the community community is revealing its response to ending AIDS by 2030 in Quebec.
Coordinates by Coalition of Community Organizations in the Fight Against AIDS (COCQ-SIDA), This response puts forward five priority areas of work so that Qubec can reach new UNAIDS goals by 2025; Goals to be achieved to make the epidemic past by 2030.
Axes of the Quebec Community Response to HIV / AIDS:
- Improve access to testing for HIV and all STBBIs ?;
- Support adherence to treatment for HIV and all STBBI ?;
- Continue efforts to minimize risks and harm by expanding services to meet the needs of key individuals and populations;
- Action on social decision makers of health by creating favorable environments (e.g., home entry, poverty, etc.);
- Develop intersectoral partnerships.
COCQ-SIDA and its member organizations are based on these five areas and their respective areas of action to develop their action plan over the next five years.
The Qubcoise community response to HIV / AIDS is therefore Quebec and Canada Accelerate their efforts in the fight against AIDS and HIV. There are all means to end this epidemic. All that is lacking is political will. However, when there is this desire, the results are always reliable. Our governments have demonstrated this through COVID-19 pandemic management.
In response, the HIV / AIDS community sector, which plays a key role in the fight against HIV / AIDS in Quebec, is strengthening its role and showing that it is ready to work with governments at various levels – with appropriate resource support. By 2030 the epidemic will be completely under control.
Is the Quebec government ready to invest the time and money to revive Jyoti to make Quebec a world leader in the fight against HIV in the next five years? Is the Canadian government ready to invest more to intensify the fight against HIV? Is joining the Qubcoise community response to HIV / AIDS a good way to achieve this? Policy to be considered in the context of hosting the International Conference on AIDS in Montreal in July 2022.
With regard to COCQ-SIDA: COCQ-SIDA, a group of community organizations in the fight against HIV / AIDS in Quebec, creates, supports and integrates community action in the fight against HIV / AIDS in Quebec. It unites people, policies and actions and resources that respond to issues that affect people living with HIV and all populations severely affected by the epidemic. COCQ-SIDA is one of the four founding members of Coalition PLUS.
Ken Monteith
Chief Administrator
Quebec Community Response Report on HIV / AIDS
This report provides context, process and its results.
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