John Siag
No, Guy Nantel didn’t want to end his race for the leadership of the Parti Québécois (PQ) with a score of just 20%. But this political experience – which he did not regret – he made it the raw material of his 6e A one-man show.
A golden opportunity to settle scores with everyone who did not support or vote for him in his campaign. Starting with journalists (he makes fun of former colleague Nathalie Petrovsky on the Penelope show), but also members of the PQ and party “authorities”. “I’m sure there are more people who work for the PQ than who voted for the PQ,” he said.
In fact, he takes it out on everyone who raises an eyebrow at his foray into politics: “Come on, I’ve been training to say nonsense for 30 years! “And gives them their room to change.
The segment is particularly successful on his participation in a debate in Louisville, where Guy Nantel boasts that he always tells the truth. He, unlike his opponents, promised them nothing, but offered a joke. That’s why we didn’t elect him, he believes… sometimes scratching comedian Andre Boisclair (he was sentenced to two years in prison for sexual assault).
If he is elected, he is placed in key positions of “his gang” (artists). “I appointed Philip Bond to Women’s Affairs, Mike Ward to Youth and Disability, Anne Casabon to Covid…”
Over the course of nearly two hours of this show, Guy Nantel attacks old people, conspiracists, environmentalists, vegans, baby boomers… anyone else? Yes, to got up (From Montcombe to Trudeau, Nantel has many in mind…). The truth he warned us from the beginning of his show: “I am inclusive, equal and fair, I despise everyone. »
Sickness and laughter
But the humorist-debater is clever, it must be recognized, and it is not always easy to know what he is really saying or whether he is trying to create discomfort. This happens several times, especially in the section on the environment, when he describes his plan to eliminate useless people (given the problem of overpopulation)…
Photo by Alexis Aubin, special contribution
Guy Nantel
When he says “sustainable power is called abortion,” he’s referring to the “little autistic girl with pigtails” who led a march for the environment in Montreal (Greta Thunberg), or he’s describing the polluting process of recycling a jar. Peanut butter, we’re guessing he’s being sarcastic on most occasions (probably not for the jar of peanut butter), but the room laughs hysterically, and it has the desired effect.
A short political history of Quebec, from yesterday to today, comes to a close If I understand you correctly, you are saying… We cannot get away from Guy Nantel’s politics so easily. If we choose him..
But the comedian may not have his last word. He comes full circle by talking about what he does for good people. Hey, back into politics? We are nowhere near conflict. Sounds like you’re saying… to be continued.
If I understand you correctly, you are saying…
Everywhere in Quebec on tour (and in Florida)