October 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Sabia Unamen Shippu meets Innu to oppose the construction of the dam

Sabia Unamen Shippu meets Innu to oppose the construction of the dam

Although the Innu of Unamen Shipu still say they disagree with the construction of a possible dam on the Petit Macatina River, Hydro-Québec’s CEO, Michel Sabia, plans to meet with the local community soon to hold talks.

The Innu, from the Basse-Côte-Nord region, regularly denounce the lack of communication from authorities surrounding the hydroelectric project, which will, potentially, extend 228 km.2.

The First Nation, which is made up of about 1,200 people, has criticized the state corporation for carrying out programs on their territory without permission. Last September, the head of the Unamen ship, Raymond Bellefleur, had already pointed out several activities, particularly helicopter overflights he described asUnacceptable.

Raymond Bellefleur, captain of the Unamen ship

Photo: Facebook Raymond Bellefleur

The head of the state corporation was informed of this by the native chief and several members of his council at a meeting held in Montreal on September 28.

We explained to Mr. Sabia our position on the issue that we did not want to hear anything about the preliminary study.Raymond Bellefleur declared in an interview.

We want our rights to be respected and to take this kind of action without our permission is not respecting us.

The chef flew to Montreal to respond to the invitation CIO of Hydro-Québec, but to ensure the support of Quebec’s Innu communities. Many leaders are behind us, pledging their help to ensure that our rights are respectedCorroborating Mr. Bellefleur cited the support of, among others, chiefs Real McKenzie and Jean-Charles Pietacho, who lead the Matimekush and Ekunitshit communities.

Following this meeting, Mr. Sabia Unamen wrote a letter to the head of the ship to announce the suspension of the company’s operations, particularly the controversial helicopter overflights, as well as field interventions and permit applications.

We are happy to hear about these controversial topics, but there are still many concerns from our sideMr. Bellefleur explains. We don’t want a dam here.

Michael Sabia on a television set.

Michel Sabia, CEO of Hydro-Québec.

Photo: Radio-Canada

In a letter contacted by Espaces Autochtones, the CIO Best wishes to Hydro-Québec now Start a conversation with residents and council members to answer questions.

Our teams are available to answer questions and provide the community with why a preliminary study is neededHe wrote, confirming many Exchange of information Such as results of overflights, various stages of hydropower project development or avenues for collaboration.

As such, Mr. Sabia promised to meet the chief and the community at Unamen Shipu soon So that we take the time to understand each other better and discuss the best way to build a future togetherHe continues.

No no!

The CIO Also on the North Shore, Locke-Robertson took the opportunity to do his mea culpa by adding that he had read the file on the construction of the power station. It is very clear to me that the ways of doing things at that time are unimaginable today.

On his part, the chief minister did not see the point of the visit CIO Among others, but Mr. Sabia is not against the idea of ​​meeting community members. That is his right. We have already said that we are not interested in the dam. Protecting our land from destruction and pollution is important to us.

His speech was intended to hammer home officials at Thursday’s official opening of the Romain hydroelectric complex near Havre-Saint-Pierre. I’m going to be here to say no means no!

Hydro-Québec has been investigating the hydroelectric potential of the Petit Macatina River for several years, which is already mentioned in its 2022-2026 strategic plan. On September 15, Hydro-Québec took the next step, revealing the conclusions of a summary study sent to the communities concerned, confirming its interest in continuing studies in the field.

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