March 6, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Saint-Thérèse: One seriously injured after brawl on exit from bars

Saint-Thérèse: One seriously injured after brawl on exit from bars

A man in his twenties was seriously injured in a brawl overnight Friday to Saturday in Saint-Thérèse, Lawrence.

The incident happened around 3:15 a.m. at the corner of rue Turgeon and rue Blainville Est when leaving the bars. An argument breaks out between several people and one person gets injured.

Second, a twenty-year-old man with serious injuries had to be moved to a hospital center where his life was not feared.

“An object would have been used in the attack”, suggested Luc Laroque, Assistant-Director of the Régie Intermunicipale de Police Thérèse-de Blainville (RIPTB).

Although a knife was found at the scene, police still cannot confirm it is the object in question. No suspects have yet been identified or arrested, Mr. LaRocque noted.

Investigators are busy gathering evidence and analyzing the scene to determine the cause and circumstances of the incident. Sirens that sounded during the night also woke up some local residents.

“All the streets were closed, I don’t really know what happened, but I woke up to lovely weather.

Since then I haven’t been able to sleep because I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know if they’re looking for someone in the area,” said a neighbor interviewed by TVA Novelles.

She said she heard sirens “screaming from all directions, from all directions” for about an hour. The shooting at the Slice Gang pizzeria, which is close to the scene, has been the talk of the usually quiet neighborhood for the past week. of attack.

Santa Teresa Festival

As part of the Santa Teresa Festival, the arena welcomed the festival in a big way on Friday evening as well.

However, police do not believe the attack has anything to do with what happened in downtown St. Therese over the weekend.

“It’s easy to make a connection with the Santa Teresa festival, but when it happens, there are few or no festival goers. So there is no link,” explained Luc Larocque to the QMI agency.

He added that the festival will resume at 3:30 pm as per schedule.

“Our team approached the police department and the festival has nothing to do with it. We will be more vigilant today, security is already in place throughout the perimeter of the festival”, the direction of the festival was mentioned in a message sent to the QMI Agency reminding that the event was held outside its site.