With the construction of the Samuel-de-Champlain Bridge completed, they hoped they would get some peace of mind. Vardun residents are still suffering from the noise leading from the expressways to the bridge, which runs alongside their surroundings.
Infrastructure Canada has identified the problem, which guarantees corrective action soon.
Now the good weather is encouraging people to spend more time in the open space and open the windows, “this is hell”, condemns the locals about noise pollution.
“We were on the terrace in the evening and we had to go home because of the noise. It’s very hard for the two of us to talk to each other, ”laments Michael Hopper, who lives on the third floor of a building in Rue de la Powderier, parallel to Highway 15, between Boulevards LaSalle and Gauten-Lర్berz.
According to the regional government road noise policy, the noise level along the roads in Quebec should not exceed 65 decibels. However, the readings made by the residents indicate 74 decibels, while the peaks are at 86. “To give you an idea, between 70 and 80 decibels is equivalent to the sound of a vacuum cleaner,” explains Mr. Hopper.
Despite the proximity to the highway, we had already heard the birdsong, he said. “It’s a small courtyard of greenery in Verdun, closed a few years ago on the street Cool-de-Sak.”
Track width
During the construction of the bridge, traffic lanes were added to this section of Highway 15. A street disappeared parallel to the Rue de la Poudreier to allow width.
Now in the area they say not only trucks and their engine brakes, but also motorcycles and cars are accelerating.
“Before the redevelopment, you could hear traffic once a week depending on the wind direction. We accepted it, we knew we lived in the city. But now it’s all the time, all the time, all the time,” Michael Hopper exclaimed.
“I took all my savings to buy my condo, which is a small piece of my paradise,” said Miriam Roldan, one of her neighbors.
I have to go home because I can’t bear the noise of cars.
Miriam Roldan, resident of Verdun
OmTo me Roldan took steps to make himself aware of his dissatisfaction and the noise of his neighbors. She called on the consortium to be responsible for the construction and maintenance of the new bridge, the Surrey Saint-Laurent (SSL), as well as the elected officials of Infrastructure Canada and Verdunboro, which will manage the public-private partnership.
Mandatory corrective work
Verdun Meyer, Jean-Franకోois Parentio, is well aware of the plight of the people of this region.
He confirmed that the noise level increased after the work of widening the expressways, following the readings made by the borough.
Mr. Parentou believes that SSL and Infrastructure Canada will be responsible for taking corrective action on this matter.
“In the contract [de SSL avec le gouvernement fédéral], SSL is responsible for maintaining the same noise level for 30 years prior to operation. They have a responsibility to respect 65 decibels, ”he said.
Following complaints and comments from citizens, the mayor held talks with SSL and Infrastructure Canada.
They will find a solution, but they will stubbornly stick to the deal to find out what they will pay for.
Jean-Franకోois Parent, Verdun Meyer
In fact, Infrastructure Canada, on its web page dedicated to the new bridge, said, “When the corridor is open to traffic, permanent noise mitigation measures are implemented to respect strict noise limits beyond traffic standards. Quebec Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Struggle against Climate Change ”.
“When the bridge is open to traffic, noise monitoring takes place after one year, five years and ten years to ensure that the noise mitigation measures are effective. A monitoring program will be conducted for each sensitive area and it will be possible to identify areas where corrective action is required,” the website explains.
Photo by Bernard Bralt, Press Archives
View of the Samuel-de Champlain Bridge
Noise barriers of different heights have already been set up at some points in the problematic section of Highway 15. According to disgruntled residents, they are not enough.
“The highest noise barrier is two meters, which is ridiculous,” Mirian Roldan said.
Identified problem
Ottawa recognizes the problem.
“Infrastructure Canada conducted sound surveys in late 2020, independent of those conducted by SSL. The preliminary results of these surveys indicate that they exceed the levels allowed by the contract in some areas of Verdun. Infrastructure Canada intends to share the results of these surveys with interested parties, after verification and technical certification. Department spokesman Lama Khodar said in a statement sent via email.
SSL plans to conduct a full sound survey campaign in May and June, and Infrastructure Canada will also conduct its own surveys.
“Although the bridge will be open to traffic in the summer of 2019, the construction of the corridor will not be fully completed by the summer of 2020, including the installation of some noise barriers, making it impossible to take reliable readings”, OmTo me Khodar.
Since 2019, 19 citizens have lodged complaints with SSL, Infrastructure Canada or elected officials (provincial, municipal and federal). These 19 were contacted by the department.
“Infrastructure Canada continues to work with SSL to find a satisfactory solution and respect the noise limits set out in the agreement,” the spokesman concluded.
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