March 13, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

She saves a client who is choking on chicken nuggets

She saves a client who is choking on chicken nuggets

A 15-year-old man who rescues a suffocating woman in a drive-through at a McDonald’s restaurant plays heroes over the weekend.

Sydney Raleigh’s shift is usually at McDonald’s in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

“I made coffees and all kinds of drinks. Lunchtime traffic, as usual, ”she told CNN.

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After giving some of her steering wheel control to the customer, the young woman realized that she was choking on chicken nuggets.

“She was very coughing. Then she seemed to be gagging. Her daughter in the passenger seat seemed anxious. Then I said, ‘Oh, she’s choking.’

As she walked through the flying service window, the young man ordered his manager and the client’s daughter to call for help.

Sydney is well aware of the Hemlich maneuver he took first aid courses to become a baby sitter when he was 11 years old.

“Everything I learned came back suddenly!” She says.

The first few times the maneuver did not work, she asked her colleagues to come and help her.

“All together, we were able to remove the kibble from his throat.”

The client was very shocked, but the young woman was grateful for his help.

The Sydney City Police Department has congratulated Sydney for donating $ 100 from a fund used to reward good deeds.

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Teenage parents Tom and Stephanie told CNN that they felt the moment was stressful for their daughter, who has autism spectrum disorder.

“We thought it would be a challenge for her, but she made it look like a champion,” they said proudly.

Sydney bosses also stressed his courage and responsiveness in the event of a fatal outburst.