January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Springsteen on Broadway | Those who have been vaccinated with astrogenica can finally go on display

Springsteen on Broadway |  Those who have been vaccinated with astrogenica can finally go on display

Exhibition room Springsteen on Broadway Its decision not to give access to vaccinated audiences only in AstraZeneca was eventually overturned.

Until recently, Jujamsin theaters said they only allowed audiences to be fully vaccinated with a product approved by American health officials, be it Pfizer-BioMtech, Modrana or Johnson & Johnson’s vaccines.

The room website now states that it is ready to welcome anyone who has received a vaccine approved by the US FDA or the World Health Organization. From now on, people who have been vaccinated with the estrogen gene can go there.

The measure was announced Friday. This is in line with New York State revised guidelines.

Other New York attractions have very strict vaccination rules.

Such as live recordings of television broadcasts Live on Saturday night Or Tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon Also ignore the estrogena vaccine.

The former measure of Jujumseen Theaters has fueled the frustration of some Canadians who could get tickets to the Bruce Springsteen show. Experts conclude that this is unilateral and that a particular vaccine is likely to promote nationalism.