December 28, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Star Academy: Here is where to follow the 60 candidates on Instagram

Star Academy: Here is where to follow the 60 candidates on Instagram

We are all very excited to see you back Star Academy Following candidates on our screens in 2021, and on Instagram is part of the fun!

About 60 candidates will be part of the selection camps and 30 will be cut in the first broadcast on January 17. The remaining 30 candidates will return to camp the second day of the following week (January 24, 7 p.m.).

At the end of the process, 20 candidates will automatically receive their passes for the first Variety Gala on Sunday, February 14, while the remaining 10 web viewers will vote. Fans choose 2 to switch types.

In the first Variety Gala, 22 finalists will perform, and by 2021 15 academics Star Academy Will be selected in the end.

See this post on Instagram

Shared a post Meghan (@Meganok)

Until that happens, you can follow 60 applicants on Instagram:

  1. Alexander Parent: lex Alex Parent12
  2. Allison Kneider: @__allysonpetrin
  3. Amelie Jacques: ameejacquees_
  4. Andrew Rutherford: the_drewster06
  5. Annabelle Oreste: in Princess__Anabel
  6. Come Anne Sophie: @ annes0leil
  7. Antoine Lepine: antoine.lepine
  8. Antoine Poyro (alias Kira): @ kira_real1
  9. Ariane Belive: Belibelivo
  10. Ariane Bernier: @ ari.bernier
  11. Audrey-Anne Seguin: ud Adriannesguin
  12. Benjamin Zendron: _Benjamin_gendron_4real_
  13. By Camille Gigure-Laro: irvirtuelcamille
  14. Charles Commune (aka CK): ake CKMusicophysical
  15. Claudia Goudrow: la Claudia_Goudrow
  16. Clemens Carmier-Morasse: lamclamembert
  17. Dashney Jules: ash dashney_j
  18. Frederick Dionne: redfreddionne
  19. Frederick Beaulieu: @ frederique.beaulieu
  20. Gabriel Harvey: gab.harv3y.123
  21. Guillome LaFond:
  22. Ionic Para: @iannickpare
  23. Iad Lablock: ch Schmid_d_Shelby
  24. Jacob Roberz: mr.jacob_roberge
  25. James Labrie: @ james.shelter.officiel
  26. Johnny Provost (aka Audage): anyJanyprovost Or @
  27. Jennifer-Lee Dupuy: jenniferlee.dupuy
  28. Joey Michael Tremble Doyle: rvrmdebonnehumeur
  29. Jordan Labreque: @ Zolamusic
  30. Julian Tomasz: uljullianthomasz
  31. Justin Busdamente: jbust_97
  32. Kelowna Chowin: @ kelowna.c
  33. Larry Dechen: urlauriedechene
  34. Lunou Pumpkin: unlunouzucchini
  35. Mawa Grelet: emaeva_officielll
  36. Mahe Rabesa: @
  37. Mahi Poir: hemaheepoirier
  38. Mark-Antoine Delez: c Markantoin_Dilage
  39. Matthew Michad: @ matt.moln
  40. Matthew Realt: @
  41. Maxensen Lapierre: xmaxencelapierre
  42. Maxim Bovin: ir Sirmaxbowin
  43. Meghan Oak: @Meganok
  44. Oliver Bergeron: Private account
  45. Oliver Fabert: oli oli.faubert
  46. Philip Saint-Arnad: il Philidash
  47. Queenie Clement: enequenieofficically
  48. Rosalie Ayote: _f_u_n_k_y_p_u_n_k_y
  49. Rose Peron: chychchymrosis
  50. Sandrine Hebert: andsandrinehebertm
  51. Sarah Lowesque: arasarahlevesquemusic
  52. Sarah Vanderzone: ara Sarahwanderjonmusic
  53. Shayan Hedari:
  54. Sophia Duheim: od Soduheim
  55. Tracy McNeil: ree Trisymkneal
  56. Tristan Gway: triste.ein
  57. Vincent Julian: entvincentjulien_
  58. William Cloutier: ill William_Cloutier
  59. Unique bisonet: @yanbiss
  60. Zara Sargsyan: arazarasmusicofficial

It’s up to you to go and promote your favorite candidates!

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