March 23, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

STAT reliability in attack

STAT reliability in attack

Daily news STAT The hospital divided the experts. Some decry its lack of realism, while others maintain that it is first and foremost fiction.

Posted at 9:00 am

Marc-Andre Lemieux

Marc-Andre Lemieux

The ICI Tele drama series, which entered the airwaves Monday with drums and trumpets, drew an average of 1,171,000 viewers this week, according to preliminary numbers data provided by Radio-Canada. Beyond the ratings, some scenes from the soap opera by Marie-Andre Labbe (Without an appointment, A lot) led to discussions among hospital professionals on various social media.

Informed viewers raised their eyebrows when they saw Emmanuel Saint-Cyr, the head of the emergency department at Saint-Vincent hospital played by Suzanne Clement, walk into the operating room. Apparently, no emergency doctor entered the structure of this establishment.

The way emergency doctor Jacob (Lou-Pascal Tremblay) cares for an injured young hockey player also sparks protests. Some came from a person well known to the public, DR Alain Vadeboncoeur. On Twitter, the emergency physician wanted to reassure his subscribers by posting the following message: “If you come to the emergency room with an open fracture, you will be put on a stretcher, given a solution and receive analgesia and sedation before anything else. Attempted, reduction, it’s probably an emergency after evaluation and imaging. done outside the room. »

Photo courtesy of Eric Maire, Radio-Canada

Lou-Pascal Tremblay in STAT

Finally, the actions of the Director of Professional Services, defended by Normand D’Amour, provoked protests. It’s this patient who hears voices on the intercom, for “sneaking upstairs” and beating Christel’s (Sarah Anne Parent) spouse.

Back team STAT He declined to comment on the matter. Aetios, the production company directed by Fabienne Larouche and Michel Trudeau, however, confirms to us that it has only hired Alain Vadeboncœur as a medical consultant.

Former head of the emergency medicine department at the Montreal Heart Institute was once a script advisor. Breakups, separated And New address. Pi STATdR Vadeboncoeur joined Dd Genevieve Letourneau, specializing in psychiatry, and Dr.R Hai Huynh specializes in general surgery, appearing in the credits from Monday.

Photo by Alain Roberge, Pres

dR Alain Vadeboncoeur

No hopelessness

At the Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec (FMOQ), we do not believe that, in fiction, creators should necessarily represent medical practice. “If the goal isn’t to entertain and inform, they don’t have the responsibility to paint an accurate picture of what’s going on,” said union president and general manager Dr.R Marc-André Amiott, in a telephone interview.

The Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec (FMSQ) released the same article. “They can do what they want, but it’s certainly interesting when it reflects reality, because it serves to educate the public. It makes people aware of the realities of the hospital environment,” observed Anne-Louise Chauvet, director of communications for the group, which has more than 10,000 members.

According to DR Amyot, who has a 28-year practice in emergencies, said the listed comments reflect the “concern of doctors” who fear they may prefer a popular series. STAT “Creates expectations”.

At one point, in the medical series, every time a patient came to the emergency room, we immediately went into resuscitation maneuvers. And often the patient is revived. But that doesn’t happen in real life. You have to rely on the audience to understand things.

dR Marc-Andre Amiott

dR Amiot suggests that with “everything going on in health” for a while, network professionals are on edge, which may explain why some of them are on the attack. STAT. “Right now, the crew is holding their breath. There are mandatory overtime, many necessities, waiting lists for surgery, waiting lists to see a family doctor. The pressure is high and sometimes it doesn’t take much to irritate doctors. »

The story repeats itself

STAT It is far from the first fictional series to receive criticism from real professionals in the workplace it portrays. That’s it District 31 His six-season reign at ICI Télé was dogged by accusations.

In particular, we attacked Commander Chiasson’s squad’s crime-solving rate, which was much higher than the SPVM’s success rate. On the legal side, many (many) visits are also made to the role of Sonia Blanchard, the prosecutor of the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions in the camp of Pascale Montpetit.