March 6, 2025

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Sweden: Anderson was re-elected prime minister five days after a parliamentary failure

Sweden: Anderson was re-elected prime minister five days after a parliamentary failure

Stockholm | Following an unbelievable seven-hour election-resignation last week, the head of the Swedish Social Democrats, Magdalena Anderson, was re-elected Prime Minister by Parliament on Monday and officially became the first woman to hold the post. Country.

Also read: Sweden: The new Prime Minister had to resign on the day of his election

Also read: Sweden: Prime Minister L లోfven resigns, his legacy begins

So far the finance minister, Magdalena Anderson, has been elected by deputies with 173 votes, 101 votes and 75 absent in the vote against Deja Vu Hawa. In Sweden, the government approves as long as the absolute majority of 175 deputies does not vote against it.

With the exception of the improbable new surprise, this election closed the soap opera of social democratic transformation caused by the departure of Prime Minister Stephen Lofven, who had been in power for seven years and was handed over earlier this month, less than a year after the legislative elections. 2022.

Presenting his government to King Carl XVI Gustaf, which officially represents his tenure.

At the end of an eventful day last Wednesday, Magdalena Anderson was elected Prime Minister for the first time, after which she was defeated by moderate opposition in her budget and finally had to resign after a surprise exit from the government by environmentalists.

Although elected within seven hours, she did not officially take office.

“It was a big day last Wednesday, and it’s a big day today,” the new prime minister said. “This time I’m more ready to move,” she joked at the press conference.

With the departure of the Green Party, the 54-year-old economist and former top swimmer will head the entire socio-democratic government.

“She is the head of a one-party government. So, no surprise. No more crisis, at least for now, “Professor Anders Sunnersted at Lund University, an episode for whom” is a “historic situation,” he told AFP.

Despite being accustomed to the complexities of its parliamentaryism and facing the most complex power struggles in Ricksdog since 2018, the Nordic country has never experienced such a scenario.

Andreas Norlen, president of the Chamber, which is responsible for piloting the transformation process, has expressed his “regret” over the image given to the Swedish people.

Voters in favor of the new prime minister fell short as environmentalists were absent on Monday. Unlike last week, when Magdalena Anderson passed with one vote, the Liberal Party (center right) member was absent, reducing the vote against from 174 to 173.

Elections close in sight

Despite being declared a feminist country, Sweden, like all other Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland), has not had a female Prime Minister since its creation in 1876.

Despite the chaos last Wednesday, there is no doubt that Magdalena Anderson’s re-election will require the three parties needed to allow her to run for re – election.

The legacy for the Swedish head of state comes less than a year after the September 2022 legislative elections, which promise to be tough.

With nearly 25% of the poll, the Social Democratic Party has retained its rank as the leading political structure in Sweden, but is still close to its historic low.

He will have to face the Conservative Party of the Moderates, led by his great rival, Ulf Christerson, in a new configuration.

The latter joined the right-wing Democrats led by Jimmy Akeson in Sweden and is now ready to rule with his support in parliament, a major uprising in the Swedish political arena.

This was the success of the right-wing budget, first prepared with SD, which led to the departure of the Greens and hence Mr.Me Anderson.

For environmentalists, it is unthinkable to rule under economic law that seals the right.

From the podium before Monday’s vote, moderate leader Ulf Kristerson stressed the prime minister’s vulnerability.

“Parliament has invested in a nine-month interim government with no mandate to govern,” he said. “Another term and Sweden will change the government,” the elected Conservative said, “looking forward to election day.”

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