October 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The firefighting watchdog was looking into whether Pompeo employees had made personal mistakes

The firefighting watchdog was looking into whether Pompeo employees had made personal mistakes

Washington – The State Department last Friday by President Trump firing Monitoring Committee, the Secretary Mike pampiyo walking his dog, and dry cleaning, including dinner reservation up to the individual mistakes that have been investigating an employee uttaravittara a source familiar with the investigation told Fox News are not Vittullatu Sunday.

However, Democrats in both the House Foreign and Senate Foreign Relations committees have already requested, by public letters, records of any open inspector-general matter dealing with the Secretary’s Office. The State Department did not respond to a request for comment.

Trump fired Inspector General Steve Lynch Friday night, writing to Congress that he had no confidence in the Department of Foreign Affairs IG appointed during the Obama administration and that he had overseen statements criticizing the department’s policies since Trump took office. A State Department official told Fox News on Saturday that Pompeo had suggested Trump shoot Lynch.

The move, however, immediately sparked outrage from Democrats, with House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Elliott Engel, D-N.Y., Suggesting that Trump should be retaliating.

“This shooting is a brutal act of trying to protect the secretary of state from being one of the president’s most loyal supporters,” Engel said in a statement this weekend. “I learned that the Inspector General’s Office had opened an investigation into Secretary Pompeo. In the midst of such an investigation, the firing of Mr. Lynch strongly affirmed that this was an illegal retaliation.”

Pompeo is a political appointee of an employee who allegedly worked to correct his mistakes, served as a staff assistant, NBC News Announced.

The removal of Linik has undergone a series of changes in the government’s inspector general. Trump fired Inspector General Michael Atkinson for the Intelligence Community in April for his role in the whistleblower complaint that led to the Ukraine investigation – and Trump’s next indictment.

Trump administration official told The Associated Press that Linick will be hired by Stephen Agart, a former career foreign service official who has close ties to former President Pence.

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