January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The government will publish its roadmap without setting a time limit for the transition

The government will publish its roadmap without setting a time limit for the transition


Guinean Prime Minister Mohamed Bevogue has rejected his roadmap to transitional President Colonel Mamadi Dombouya, who has restored his confidence in his head of government. But according to Guinean politicians this roadmap has been adopted very differently because it does not have a timetable for transition.

With our representative in Konakri, Mauctor Ba

It is a roadmap with five priority axes including organizational correction, macroeconomic and financial framework, legal framework and governance.

The roadmap is interpreted differently by the Guinean political community.

First of all, I think it would be a good idea for the Prime Minister to provide a roadmap because it would at least help to understand what the program of transformation is, Dr. Usman Kaaba explained., President of the Party of Democrats for Hope. The PM is perceived and implemented, so this is an important step .

Rafiou Sou, he wonders about the roadmap submitted by the Prime Minister. For him, it is necessary to go to the necessary: ​​” Today we will do what we can, how to conduct elections, review the file, try to give a chance to those who must vote so that they can have their own voter cards and go to a secure, free and transparent election ? This is the gist of the Prime Minister’s roadmap .

He pleaded Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, Transitional President: ” The transition should be given to us by the President Clear chronogram, We, the opposition to us today began the transition on September 6th. We have proposed 15 months, which means that elections should take place in December 2022 whether we like it or not. .

The next steps for the Guinean government are to establish a National Transitional Council, a new constitution and an electoral body.

An instability Do not set the duration for the transition

The skeptical document is divided into two axes: it first outlines the five main trends, particularly governance, the macroeconomic situation … and then lists the series of ballots (local, presidential and legislative elections) to be conducted without it. Specifying deadlines.

According to Mamdouh Aliou Barry, director of the Guinea Analysis and Strategic Studies Center, the failure to set a time frame for the transition is an instability:

According to Mamadou Alio Barry, director of the Guinea Analysis and Strategic Studies Center, the transition roadmap is “unstable”.