January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The Plateau is one of the first terrestrial dances in the Rusis

The Plateau is one of the first terrestrial dances in the Rusis

The Plateau – Mont-Royal étudie la possibly permute l’mnagement de terrassess for cafes and restaurants situations in secteurs entertaining events.

Lorondissement lance a pirode de consultation publique à cet effet, which drewroure jusqu’ 10fivrier, afin modifier sa reglamentation. The message is to objectify the comments of the commenters that the confinement frappe plein fouet number d eintre.

I Si on change in regulation, cest parce quon pence que cest une bonne idie et que poura pourrait utre viable au-delà de la pandémieme. For the rest of your bonus idie, on the other hand, you’re collaborating on the commercials for the first time with all your voices, for the first time, to communicate with Lir Raboin.

The facilitator facilitates cohabitation, respecting the commercials of the heirs d’ouverture of 7h à 22h. These trasses have a frontal contact of a maximum of 24 people. «On est conscient que that vrai test aura lieu dans nos rues cet té a, an indiqué M. Rabouin.

For those who are a little tired of the stereo-typed name, this is the 15th of November, the date of the Pirod Durant’s Less Trassas’ Permises.