July 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The U.S. registered 90,000 cases of coronavirus in a single day for the first time

The record increase in coronavirus cases in the United States is pushing hospitals to the brink of capacity and killing 1,000 people a day, according to the latest figures as the country focuses more on Tuesday’s presidential election.

The United States registered its 9 million case on Friday, about 3 percent of the population, and nearly 229,000 people have died since the pandemic outbreak earlier this year, according to Reuters figures of publicly reported data.

The U.S. broke a one-day record for new coronavirus infections on Thursday, reporting at least 91,248 new cases, as 21 states reported the highest number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients since the pandemic began. .

The virus killed more than 1,000 people on Thursday and marked the third time in October that a milestone had been crossed in a single day. The number of COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital increased by more than 50 percent in October to 46,000, the highest since mid-August.

Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden were among the worst-hit states in the campaign between Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The surge restored some of the worst images of the devastating first wave of the virus in March, April and May, when people on ventilators were dying alone in the hospital and the medical staff were physically and mentally exhausted.

“Our hospitals cannot keep up with the rate of infection in Utah. You deserve to understand the dire situation we face,” Utah Governor Gary Herbert said on Twitter, echoing a similar refrain from other state and local officials and public health experts.

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Anti-mask protesters marched Thursday to the home of Utah epidemiologist Dr Angela Dunn in Salt Lake City. Dozens of protesters stood from Dunn’s home Thursday morning and evening. (Rick Bowmer / The Associated Press)

Herbert separately criticized the demonstrators who went to the home of state epidemiologist Dr. Angela Dunn this week.

Dunn said he shared his personal information online.

When asked about the protest during Governor Weekly’s COVID-19 briefing, Dunn said, “It has caused a great deal of damage to my family and me.” “I think it’s really unfortunate that we live in a state where people think it’s okay to harass civil servants.”

‘An American failure’: Democrats take aim

Utah reported a record increase in deaths this month in 14 states and a rise in case records in 30 states. The United States recorded the highest single country totals in the world epidemic in deaths and cases, although very few developed countries lacked significant testing capabilities, their number was depressing.

“We have the biggest outbreak we’ve ever had during the whole epidemic. And nine, 10 months into this pandemic, we’m not ready for the big one yet,” said Ashish Ha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health in Providence, RI.

“We do not have the kind of tests we need. There are a lot of problems with large outbreaks in many, many parts of the country. In fact, we’re going into fall and winter, it turns out, in fact, make it a lot harder,” he told Reuters in an interview.

Despite new cases and hospitalizations, Trump has repeatedly downplayed the virus, saying the country is “turning around”. He continued his cheerful tone in a tweet on Friday that the country was doing much better than Europe in tackling the epidemic.

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Democrats released a report Friday in the U.S. House of Representatives condemning the Trump administration’s pandemic response as “one of the worst failures of leadership in American history.” These failures pushed at least 6 million Americans into poverty and left millions unemployed.

“The virus is a global curse, but it’s an American failure, it has killed more people in the United States than in any other country,” said Democratic staff of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, a 71 – page interim report created in April.

The uprising comes as the U.S. election ends on November 3 in an election that will help determine the 2021 federal response to the epidemic. A voter was shown leaving his ballot in Allentown, Pa. On Thursday. (Angela Weiss / AFP / Getty Images)

Based on dozens of Democratic-led probes conducted in the first six months of the panel, researchers have identified more than 60 incidents in which the Trump administration has outperformed or sidelined top scientists to enhance the president’s political interests.

The administration alleges that the U.S. fraudulent subcommittee found more than $ 4 billion in programs that help small businesses struggle and direct funding for critical equipment to political ties or inexperienced organizations.

“The administration’s response to this financial crisis has benefited large companies and affluent Americans, while at the same time leaving many backward classes struggling with small businesses,” the report said.

Read the Democratic subcommittee report:

Fellow Democrats Biden and Congress criticized the president for handling the health crisis.

After being hospitalized with COVID-19 in early October, Trump resumed large campaign rallies packing thousands of supporters together, many of them unmasked. The Trump campaign claims that rallies are safe, masks and social distance are encouraged.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Thursday called on member organizations and local community leaders to speed up efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus with mask orders and other measures.

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