March 14, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

‘Warning and orientation’ in buffalo resistance

'Warning and orientation' in buffalo resistance

An elderly man who was moved by a policeman during a demonstration in Buffalo City was “on alert and alert” early Friday morning, a district official said.

Erie County Administrator Mark Polonkars tweeted Friday that a 75-year-old man was listed in serious but stable condition at Erie County Medical Center after a curfew was put into place shortly after a curfew was put into effect near Niagara Square. Not far from City Hall.

“As an ECMC official sent me, he is” cautious and considerate, ” Polongars tweeted. “That’s great news. We hope he heals completely. “

Before the Poloncars Tweeted Officers involved in the incident must be “held accountable for their actions” but are not stopped from the department.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said two officers involved in the incident – which the video went viral on social media – have been suspended without pay.

“Like the buffalo police commissioner Byron Lockwood, I was overwhelmed by the video,” Brown said in a statement. “He has directed an immediate investigation into the matter and both officers have been suspended without pay.”

The 75-year-old man, who was not publicly identified as of Friday morning, was a longtime activist who was “known to many” in the buffalo, according to an investigative post reporter.

“For his privacy, I will not disclose his name or any other identifying information,” reporter Ali Ingersoll Tweeted Thursday afternoon.

An online fundraiser It was set up to help cover the medical costs of man.

“Police officers must protect and serve, not abuse the law or hurt others,” the website read. “Nobody deserves this … especially the elderly members of our communities.”