December 27, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

“When I first saw Leela, I knew she would be my wife.”

"When I first saw Leela, I knew she would be my wife."

At 39, Tahar Rahim is on his way to realizing his American dream.

In “Named Guilty” by Kevin McDonald Released on February 12 in the United States, he played a tortured prisoner in Guantanamo. Bluffing performance for an actor with extraordinary talent. Already nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actor, Tahar Rahim In the process, the Supreme Court can win the award. Nine years after Jean Dujardin, the second Frenchman to surrender to Hollywood. At the Paris match, he specifically spoke about how this little boy was rescued from the siblings of ten children. “I was close to my younger sisters at first, they affected me a lot. Then I developed a fascination with my brothers. Through them, I discovered other eras, I played a lot. “

From his youth, he keeps a memory that makes him happy. France, Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Yugoslavia… “We went to each other, we found other ways. It was, my France, early than withdrawal. It gave birth to in me this compulsive taste for new horizons. From his screen debut, the eclectic Tahar loved to direct filmmakers from Great Britain, Belgium, Iran, Germany, Sweden, the United States, Japan, and Canada. »Humility, డు The actor of a prophet also tells about his meeting with his wife actress Leila Beckty, who was married ten years and the parents of two children. “There are invisible beacons in our path. You still have to be able to understand them. The first time I saw Leela, the second I knew she was my wife and the mother of my children. Our meeting was not love at first sight, it was written. It was our duty.”

Discover our great story dedicated to the French actor that Hollywood is snapping at number 3746 of the Paris match, on sale on newsstands from Thursday.

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