October 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Year 1 Budget | Party Quebec Sovereign updates Quebec’s financial portrait

Year 1 Budget |  Party Quebec Sovereign updates Quebec's financial portrait

(Quebec) The party is preparing an upgrade of the portrait of the sovereign Quebec economy that Quebec wants to provide in a timely manner for the national holiday. The last PQ member to do this was an official opposition financial critic in 2005: current Premier Franకోois Legalt.

Posted at 8:00 p.m.

Hugo Pilan Laros

Hugo Pilan Laros

Paul Saint-Pierre Plamandon, a Cuban leader of the party, now a leader of the Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) and a supporter of Canadian federalism, has been accused of “discrediting separatists” in the Blue Room. At the time, Mr Legalt condemned opponents of sovereignty who questioned the financial viability of their project.

“Since 2005, the federal government has accelerated all forms of aggression within the Quebec jurisdiction to permeate the lives of Quebecs for strategic purposes. Obviously, this duplication can be costly, “said Mr. Saint-Pierre Plamandon.

At the time, Franకోois Legalt estimated that the sovereign economy of Quebec would be viable and that profits from the sovereignty would reach $ 17 billion in five years. Although this prediction is controversial, the party Quebecois leader believes that independence will always be achieved from a “beneficial” perspective for Quebec compared to the governmental economic situation of other G7 countries and Western similarities.

“While talking about CAQ arrogance, it is paradoxical that Quebeckers are constantly reminded that they are not capable. [selon elle de faire du Québec un pays]. We want to respond with clear, bold vocabulary, with the imaginative, clear party Quebecois. We are confident and we invite the Quebecs not to succumb to the CAQ’s defeatism, “said Mr. Saint-Pierre Plamandon.

The last rally before the election

The PQ National Council will meet on Saturday in Boucherville. This will be the party’s last meeting on October 3 before the general election.

In 2005, when Franకోois Legalt presented the economic portraits of Sovereign Quebec, the party formed the official opposition in Quebec, losing two years ago to the Liberals of Jean-Charles. In 2022, the PQ will go on the election campaign by forming a third opposition group in the National Assembly. Surveys have not yet shown any improvement for the Sovereign Party.

“I believe that by presenting ourselves as we are in Quebeckers, it gives us encouragement and encouragement from people who think like us,” said Paul Saint-Pierre Plamondon.

The authenticity, true and fair nature of what we do makes us say that the Cubans deserve to continue to support their independence project.

Paul St.-Pierre Plamandon

Recently, however, the party lost to Quebecois in the by-elections of the Mary-Victorian Riding in Langueil. Despite winning the CAQ at PQ Fort, Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon noted the marked involvement of activists in his National Youth Committee, which gave him hope in the coming months.

But at the lowest point of voting intentions, Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon recognizes that his political party is “no longer a generalist party and no party trying to impress everyone.”

“Right now the party is attracting people who are moved by the cause of Cubacois. It’s really a form of homecoming. […] We are a party for some basic reasons, ”he said.

“Right now, the party Quebecois defines its priorities very clearly and does not want to impress everyone,” the party Quebecois leader concluded.

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